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RE: Open Border Insanity... Illegal Immigrants, Illegal Aliens, Refugees, Migrants, Compassion "Oh My"

in #openborders6 years ago

Islam (The Quran) teaches Muslims to kill the infidels... America is a Nation if infidels since we do not believe in Allah and we worship Jesus (God) or the Gitchee Manitou or nothing at all.

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Correct. Which is why I am no fan of Islam. Fortunately it is an idea. It is a culture. It is a religion. Yet it is also a religion with a state. So it intrinsically cannot be separation of Church and State as it is both.

Does that mean I hate Muslims? No.

I don't hate anyone but people who know they are wrong and choose to do it anyway. I call those the willfully ignorant. I don't hate people for stupid ideas if they are unaware. Instead I try to help them see some different things and if I can get them to think for themselves and make their own minds. I also give them the chance to convince me.

So I am not islamophobic as I do not fear Islam. I am not racist because Islam is not a race.

I do not hate muslims. They can change their minds. Though they will be attacked and called an Apostate. Yet another reason I despise the concept of Islam itself.

Yet I don't hate the people, the muslims. I do hate the ideology of Islam. Sure it has good parts. All successful religions do. Yet poison can often taste good. Condoning of killing of others simply because they do not believe as you do is reason enough for me to be anti-Islam. Just to be straight. I technically don't like any organized religion. I am a Deist. I am against any religion that feels it has the right and even imperative to FORCE others to comply with it or die. "Killing for religion is something I don't understand"

This type of thinking is of course a good reason to close our borders. Also I am very familiar with the term Hijrah from within Islam. Conversion via Migration, Invasion via Migration.

Though in my post above I did not mention any faith, any nationality. I am anti-illegal immigration. If you want to come and knock on my door (aka Port of Entry to country) and have a conversation with me I may invite you in. I may also turn you away. If you instead choose to climb through my window then I feel completely justified in shooting your ass. ;)

EDIT: And just to be clear... I know you are a Chippewa and want the borders closed. :)

I'd love a world where we didn't need borders. We have a lot of things to fix before that can become a reality. Trying it now is pure suicidal tendencies, actually it is worse than suicide. It is wanting to take everyone else with you... so it is more like a suicide bomber mentality.