Dear OpenLedger DEX users,
OpenLedger has recently voted for the ‘Hack The Dex’ worker that allocates funds to support the Bitshares Bug Bounty program.
A worker is an elected position that is paid to fund the new blockchain infrastructure. Thanks to the funds stored in the reserve pool, BitShares can pay for its own development and protocol improvement and to support and encourage the ecosystem growth.
BitShares Bug Bounty Program initiative
Right now the users do not have any external incentive to disclose the critical bugs, their exploits and techniques, and to avoid using them for personal gain.
The bug bounty program is proposed to endorse anyone who found a BitShares vulnerability accidentally or intentionally and disclosed it so that the vulnerability can be eliminated. The proposal will employ the allocated funds to reward the users relative to the overall risk assessment of the exploit they found.
The higher the payout for critical bugs, the more incentive there will be to attract higher quality researchers, and ultimately providing better security coverage for the DEX.
Funds will also be used to build and maintain a basic public website for reporting vulnerabilities. … It will also lay the groundwork for future HackTheDEX worker proposals to improve the security and safety of BitShares as a whole.
‘Hack The DEX’ worker proposal
Supporting security initiatives
Being one of the key players in the Bitshares ecosystem, OpenLedger is highly concerned about users security and welcomes any reasonable initiatives to make BitShares safer. That’s why we’re supporting the Bitshares Bug Bounty Program and spreading the word about this proposal.
Our team also welcomes any feedback regarding the security of OpenLedger resources and products – feel free to drop all the related messages here. Thanks in advance!
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I really do hope we can make the bug bounty program successful. As the WP has started gathering funds into the foundation escrow, promoting the existence of the program will help draw interest from ethical hackers, which will help us keep the DEX (especially the nodes) more secure.
A more useful version of the site should be up by this weekend.