Steemit Openmic week 49 / Spain (Chick Corea) / Cover @digitalopus

in #openmic8 years ago (edited)

Nice to greet you. This is my presentation of the Openmic week 49. Spain by Chick Corea, an amazing theme. I wrote some suggestions for improvisation, I hope they help. Thanks for watching and listening.

En Español:
La improvisación en la vida, es a mi modo de ver, una aventura, un camino que vas recorriendo por el que te vas a encontrar algunos atajos y pequeños obstáculos que al final te dejan una experiencia, esta puede salir bien y a veces no tan bien, esa aventura te puede dejar con algunos moretones pero que con el tiempo se van curando y sales fortalecido.

Musicalmente hablando esa aventura es la canción o los acordes que escoges para la improvisación, sea tocando tu instrumento o cantando, el hecho de improvisar no significa que vas a “lanzar dedos a lo loco”, hay que tener una coherencia con lo que se está interpretando, todo depende del tipo de música que estés tocando. Aquí te enseño unas sugerencias para que tus improvisaciones salgan mejor, según mi propia experiencia.

  1. Ten en claro la secuencia armónica del tema o la obra. Esto va desde la rítmica, pasando por la melodía principal y por su puesto los acordes con su secuencia armónica, ya que son la base fundamental que debemos tener claro para nuestra improvisación.
  2. Estudia la melodía y la secuencia de acordes. Internaliza y siente el tema, sumergete en ese mundo de notas para que se impregne en ti hasta que la toques naturalmente.
  3. Déjate llevar. Es como entrar en un “trance”, en un estado alfa y omega, relajate y disfruta el momento.
  4. Si has estudiado tu instrumento, deja que la técnica te ayude. Si eres autodidacta, tus dedos o voz sabrán que hacer de manera natural.
  5. Por ultimo y no menos importante, ¡Toca con pasión!
    El mejor aliado es tu oído musical, como decimos en Venezuela, la “Guataca” es una gran ayuda a la hora de introducirte en este maravilloso mundo de la improvisación y así llegar sano y salvo a nuestro destino que no es más que dar a nuestro público lo mejor de nosotros en cada presentación.

Espero te sirvan estas sugerencias y cierro con un pensamiento del divino sordo de Bonn:

“Se puede perdonar una nota mal tocada, pero no tocar sin pasión”
Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Disfruta tu aventura!
Sinceramente, Ródnell.

In English:
Improvisation in life, is my way of seeing, an adventure, a path that you go through that you will find some shortcuts and small obstacles that ultimately leave you an experience, this can go well and sometimes not so well , that adventure can leave you with some bruises but in time they are cured and salts strengthen.

Musically speaking that adventure is the song or chords you choose for improvisation, whether playing your instrument or singing, improvising does not mean you're going to "throw fingers to the crazy", you have to have a coherence with what is being interpreted , it all depends on the type of music you're playing. Here I teach you some suggestions for your improvisations to come out better, according to my own experience.

  1. Be clear about the harmonic sequence of the theme or the work. This goes from the rhythmic, through the main melody and by his position the chords with his harmonic sequence, as they are the fundamental basis that we must be clear for our improvisation.
  2. Study the melody and the chord sequence. Internalize and feel the subject, immerse yourself in that world of notes so that it pervades you until you touch it naturally.
  3. Let go. It's like getting into a trance, in an alpha and Omega State, relax and enjoy the moment.
  4. If you've studied your instrument, let the technique help you. If you are self-taught, your fingers or voice will know what to do in a natural way.
  5. Last but not least, play with passion!
    The best ally is your musical ear, as we say in Venezuela, the "Guataca" is a great help when it comes to introducing you in this wonderful world of improvisation and so get safely to our destination that is nothing more than giving our audience the best of us in every show.

I hope you serve these suggestions and I close with a thought of the divine deaf of Bonn:
"You can forgive a note badly touched, but not touch without passion"
Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Enjoy your adventure!
Sincerely, Ródnell.

Thanks to @luzcypher and @pfunk for the Openmic. My respects to the judges.


Wow! Your improvisational skills are quite masterful – and of course, you play with all of the requisite passion to bring the spice of life directly into your music. Great playing!

Thank a lot @passion-ground. Your words are inspiring.

It's a pleasure listening to you man. I love the sound of the mandolin. You play with great skill and musicality.

Peace !!!

Thank you friend. Peace to you too!

👏👏👏👏 Splendid! Absolutely fabulous mando playing. That has put me in a wonderfully holiday mood. Unfortunately I have to wait until October! I also loved your words on improvisation and thank you for the translation, I can only apologise for not speaking the language. 👍😊

Thanks a lot. The idea is to contribute to the growth of all. I also apologize for mistakes in my English. 👍😀

Follow and looking forward to much more :)
BuckyOnce again, a fantastic performance from @digitalopus I love your playing. You are raising the bar.

Thanks a lot friend. Cheers!

Brutalisimo!, esa es una pieza bien seria! :D

Gracias Rafa!

Excellent playing

awesome I want to break out the flugal horn and jam along with you.

This ia good stuff sir. I wish u all the best in the openmic challenge. Followed.

Thank you friend. Success for you.

Que poder tiene Usted!!. Magia en sus manos. Dios lo bendiga..

Muchas gracias manita bella. Amén. 😄