You're welcome. I know I'm among the few who think words matter, and so I listen to the lyrics of any song way before I get hooked on the music, because I don't want to go around singing something that I don't think I should be singing. There's a lot packed into a song that people don't even think about what's being said, and that's before you get to the out and out vulgarity that you speak of.
The thing about music, art, fashion, movies, entertainment in general, things come back around, so it might not be so popular now, but a new version of it will be some day. Maybe yours. :)
Harry Connick Jr. and Michael Bublé are two artists that come to mind that are throwbacks as far as the music that they sing. They seem to be doing quite well for themselves. :) And there's all kinds of Beetles and other rock band tribute groups. Elvis gets impersonated a lot.
To me, that means there's a thirst for that kind of lyrics and music.
"Things re-emerge", you're right, maybe somehow I had it in mind, but not as clear as you put it on me. It is true, in this world, that kind of things happen often with fashion, music and entertainment, there is no doubt that you my friend have the gift of philosophy