Thanks for the thoughtful response. Personally I haven't seen my musical heroes dethroned (Beatles, Dylan etc) but I hear you.
Like I said in the article:
"Of course there are genuine artists, songwriters and musicians around, but sadly in terms of the mainstream you will hardly ever hear about them. And so they walk a precarious path and more often than not have to abandon the dream of music making for something more likely to actually pay the bills.
So if you are one of the rare souls looking for true music of the heart in the current age, you will need to expand your horizons far beyond the mainstream avenues. You need to dig deep.
This is why I feel that Steemit Open Mic Week has so much potential. It is a rare opportunity for folks to find real people making real music and to make a lasting connection. No longer do we need to be reliant on the mainstream in any way shape or form to find the soundtracks to our lives. But still this platform needs to be protected."