Hello friends Steemians, I am very happy to be able to participate one more week in this #openmic contest and also because the #openmic turns 2 years since it was created, and that little by little it has become one of the biggest competitions of this platform . This week I changed a little what I used to do, this time singing and playing. For those who know, singing is something totally new to me, I have mistakes like any other and I have not yet developed a great voice as you can see, but as they say, everything is in practice and I want you to be accomplices of This process.
I chose this song because it was one of the first songs that inspired me to sing. Take on me is one of those classics that fills me with emotion when listening to it, it is one of my favorites, it always will be. The creators of this song are the well-known "A-ha", they are a Norwegian band of rock and electronic music. Thanks to its success and worldwide popularity, especially during the decade of the 80s, the trio has become the most important Norwegian musical group in history worldwide.
I hope you like this version very much, good luck to all who participate this week.
- I want to thank the creator of this wonderful @luczypher contest that constantly motivates us to create more content on this platform. I also thank @pfunk for being the main sponsor of this #openmic contest, thank you for supporting us every week! Other sponsors of #openmic @ausbitbank @curie @isaria @aggroed @meno who support us daily, thanks for your help!thanks to the judges @soundlegion @krystle @ verbal-d @meno and @ passion-ground

translated to Spanish:
Hola amigos Steemians, estoy muy contento de poder participar una semana más en este concurso #opénico. Esta semana cambié un poco lo que solía hacer, esta vez cantando y jugando. Para los que saben, cantar es algo totalmente nuevo para mí, tengo errores como cualquier otro y aún no he desarrollado una gran voz como pueden ver, pero como dicen, todo está en práctica y quiero que sean cómplices de este proceso.
Elegí esta canción porque fue una de las primeras canciones que me inspiró a cantar. Take on me es uno de esos clásicos que me emocionan al escucharlo, es uno de mis favoritos, siempre lo será. Los creadores de esta canción son los conocidos "A-ha", son una banda noruega de rock y música electrónica. Gracias a su éxito y popularidad en todo el mundo, especialmente durante la década de los 80, el trío se ha convertido en el grupo musical noruego más importante de la historia en todo el mundo.
Espero que les guste mucho esta versión, buena suerte a todos los que participen esta semana.
Quiero agradecer al creador de este maravilloso concurso @luczypher que constantemente nos motiva a crear más contenido en esta plataforma. También agradezco a @pfunk por ser el patrocinador principal de este concurso #openmic, ¡gracias por apoyarnos cada semana! Otros patrocinadores de #openmic @ ausbitbank @curie @isaria @ aggroed @meno que nos apoyan a diario, ¡gracias por su ayuda! gracias a los jueces @soundlegion @krystle @verbal-d @meno and @passion-ground
You're such a good piano player and it's good to hear you sing too.
NOTE: Due to the some technical issues with Steemit right now it is very important to include a link to your Open Mic entry in the comments of the contest post so we do not miss your entry. We apologize if we missed your entry last week. Some posts did not show on the site.
Making sure to add a link to your post in the comments of the post linked below will make sure we see your entry.
It's actually in the rules:
Thanks. Happy Birthday, Open Mic.
Itslobianco note for note magnificent and a pleasure to hear not to mention how adorable you are Bravo! Very well played Miss~