Unbelievable @onetruebrother this is mesmerizing, your voice has such character :) , the whole composition fits so well, that D string and that beautiful picking man... coming in with that short and soft phrases that resonate just right with that soft reverb in the background.. lyrics are amazing and synced perfectly with the rhythm of the song, I gotta tell you man you are one of the few on OpenMic that truly resonates, you are obviously a kind and open soul,
Here I am at around 10'th time replaying the song, has that Neil Young touch to it, but nevertheless absolutely eclectic, I am wondering what mic and reverb did you use?
p.s. you should publish this just as it is, in a raw form ✌ keep it up
Hey there thanks for your kind words...
I am using a little unit from Zoom called the R8, it is sort of an all-in-one thing that I have had for a long time, but really I only use it as a soundcard and for its two small stereo condenser mics. I have found in the past that I lose all of my will to do music if I have to try to "produce", engineer, and record at the same time. So with this I just set it on the desk in front of me and record in stereo. I have decided that a good song/performance is more important than great sound quality (not that I obtain either of those!)...you know like when you hear a shitty recording from a 4-track cassette but the song and performance rock?
Someone gave me an old ipad a few months ago and I have Cubasis on there....on this song it is just the reverb from one of the expansion packs that I use just a wee bit of. I like the ipad because in the past I have got RSI from using a mouse to do music in software like Reason. I love the touchscreen !
R8 really captures your sound perfectly, now when you say that its stereo mic's it has more sense why it is so clear, eq-ing either by default or by your choice is perfect as all frequencies from both your voice and guitar are spot on, oh yeah and don't be too modest 😉 that you don't obtain the good song or a performance, this is absolutely not true, I am a person and a musician/producer who is well versed and introduced to all genres since I was a kid, and for this song specific I can tell you if the times were back some 40 years this would be considered evergreen by now, it just has that compactness where all sits in it's place and it doesn't bother the brain to listen it many times over, it is a great song @onetruebrother with immaculate performance and meaningful lyrics, record it and release, for people like me that respect it's beauty, please link me if you have some recordings in general, peace ✌