🎶 Open Mic Week 105 - My Top 5 Judges Selection 🎶

in #openmic6 years ago

We made it through another week people and what a week it was, just an all round great week of brilliant entries - which in a way sucks for us judges, cause it means we have a tougher time of choosing.

You guys did it again, you managed to show me that week after week - people are capable of such greatness, it really is an honour to watch and see all these brilliant entries week after week.

Last week we had Open Mic's second birthday and we weren't let down by our amazing family here at Open Mic, with a heap of brilliant entries - this week didn't fail to represent either, with another fantastic week of entries.

You guys should always be proud of the amazing contributions you give to this platform, not only Open Mic but Steemit in general - we are so lucky to have you all with us and I hope to see you as we continue on our way to our third Birthday here.

Well as it is already getting on, I better move on here - so without further delays here is my judges selection for week 105.

This week's top 5:

Brazos de Sol1st Place - @davidcentenor-

This entry was just bloody brilliant, the instant I heard it I moved it straight to the finalists - little did I realise it was the performance that would resonate with me the most, a really incredible performance.

You captured my attention from the first moments of playing, I knew this was something special something to take note of - then I noticed all the different tracks you had recorded, you really created a sublime listening experience for all.

The playing is precise and rather exquisite, the way the layers interweave perfectly adding such a depth and texture to the performance - it was not only enjoyable to hear, but watching it all come together was really something to see.

There is such beautiful intricacies that you just pulled of with such superb skill, your talent is clear and unquestionable - this entry really stole my attention and I just enjoyed it so much, it demanded it's position.

Now as for the vocals a simple wow wont suffice, but holy hell this was an incredible performance on every level - the harmonies were just divine and again added so much depth and texture to the performance, really quiet stunning.

But what really stole the show for me this week was those beautifully constructed vocal runs, just being slightly off in one of these moments would have destroyed all you created - but of course you executed with skill and precision, showing the intense skills you clearly posses.

I was just blown away by the amazing vocal display, it was truly stunning and really does require a lot of time, effort and practise to pull of with such epic perfection - I really enjoyed this so much and I cannot wait to hear more and soon!

Distinto ideal2nd Place - @jaredkhamanah -

Hell yes! I absolutely adored every moment of this entry, what a great performance - so entertaining and just brilliantly performed and presented.

Your playing is again perfect, I love this composition and the brilliant use of the looper - it is the perfect accompaniment for this song, it's not overwhelming or overpowering allowing the focus to remain on the vocals.

You have such a fantastic voice, it really steals the show for me - there is a depth to the tone that I really adore and you show it off to great effect.

Not to mention the clarity of your vocals, then there's the expert control that you display throughout the performance - really just brilliant on every level, I loved every moment of that and hope to see more from you soon.

Feeling Good3rd Place - @moccamonica -

This was just an exceptional performance in every sense, the playing was a beautiful backing to the epic vocals - I just can't get enough of entries like this.

The simplicity of the construction of this performance, a guitarist and vocalist can often leave things feeling a little empty - but you both created such a full and epic performance, it really just kicked some serious ass.

The playing is spot on, the sounds are just as important as the lack of them - the bass I think I heard in there really added some more depth as well, just a stunning sound all round.

Now the vocals as always tend to steal my focus and this case was no different, I was drawn to the sultry tones and was hooked immediately - better yet the high notes and vocal embellishments, really took this song to the next level for me.

Stray4th Place - @isaria -

Oh wow my lovely @isaria, there's no way I couldn't include this in my top selection this week - this just drew me in instantly and I couldn't get enough.

I kept coming back to your entry and each time I was like yep needs to be in there, the playing is just beautiful as always - you created such an amazing sound there, I'm not sure what or how you've done it... but the tone of the guitar is truly haunting and just a little breathtaking :P

I love your voice in pretty much everything I have heard, this is no exception and in fact in certain areas of this song - you may display some of my all time Isaria vocals!

Those deeper notes you hit really do send shivers down my spine, you have such a unique and interesting sound - there is a brilliance to the texture of your music and this piece is no exception, it really does just captivate the listener completely.

The combination of both your stunning playing and singing combines to create a truly wondrous experience, you have created yet another brilliant masterpiece and I'm so thrilled to have heard it - much love and as always I want more!

Hereditary5th Place - @orrslaw -

Your playing is crisp and precise, it creates a brilliant base for your intensely unique vocals - I really loved this entry so much.

It really captured my attention and again I kept coming back to hear more, the playing is perfect but rather a minimalist approach and for this song that works perfectly - and in fact adds to the depth and character of the song.

You performed it so brilliantly, but what I couldn't get enough of was your vocals - you have such a trippy unique sound that just captivates me completely.

The emotion you capture in your vocals really seals the deal for me, that was just an amazingly brilliant entry and performance - stoked to see you back and hope to hear more soon.

Honourable Mentions:

Sentindo a Vibe / Eu aprendi@rhavi -

This is just wonderful in every way conceivable, I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this entry - you are all so amazingly talented everything you perform just feels light and airy, just super refreshing to hear something new and unique.

on my mind@lostgalaxy -

Wow this was really beautiful, I love your voice and stoked to see @jaredkhamanah collaborating - this was really clean and clear, just a great entry all round, hope to see more soon.

You Know I'm No Good@benjaminmora -

Really great job with this entry, I was loving every second of it - you have a really lovely tone to your voice and you really pull this song of well, welcome to Open Mic and I really look forward to hearing more from you soon.

Esperare @danieldedosd2 -

Ahhhh you sing too! Wow this was such an awesome entry, I knew you had some serious skills on the guitar - but you just blew me away with phenomenal vocals as well, this was brilliant stoked you shared this with us and hope to catch more soon.

Se Trata De Ti@ilazramusic -

I just couldn't help but get into this entry, I really enjoyed it on so many levels - but best of all it drew me and I wanted to see it all, keep it up.

Brillo y relieve@roman.musica -

This is a really stunning performance, you held me captivated for the song's entirety - just a stellar song choice with exceptional delivery, can't wait for more!

Love Me Harder@alejandra23 -

Great performance @alejandra23, I really loved seeing you kick this song's ass - it is a rather demanding song and you absolutely did it justice, well done and keep up the great work.

Extracto #9@juanchez -

I had to mention this entry, I found the composition and performance really compelling - it was executed with precision and just really stood out to me this week, look forward to more soon.

Con tu voz@sanami -

I absolutely adored this composition, it was so textured and enjoyable for this listener - I couldn't help but bop along as you played, just great.

Master Shortlist:

@drewley, @wilins, @dustinseth, @laveroarmas, @michelleozza, @elisonr13, @donlucho, @eliasalejandro, @marianvitz, @juliolunar, @heberthjose, @maximilianoflute, @klynic.

Well guys these are just a few of the brilliant entries we had this week, but really another fantastic week of performances - you guys know how to put on a show that's for sure.

I look forward to seeing you all again next week!

Songwriters Shoptalk:

Everyone involved in Open Mic or a fan of some of our amazingly talented entrants, should know about the Songwriters Shoptalk - it's a radio show that @meno and I co-host on a weekly basis.

During our two hour show we interview amazing musicians on Steemit, we play some of their original music and get involved in all manner of conversations - I'm not kidding here people, some of the topics are so far from the realm of music I often wonder how we got there.

It's an amazing show and I am thrilled to be a part of it, we have an amazing time each and every week - not to mention we share some amazing music and get to know some of the faces behind the tunes.

Join us 2am UTC Thursdays, it would be great to have you all along for the ride with us - get to know your fellow musicians and as always hear some kick arse music!

Steemit Musicians:

I'd also like to remind everyone again that all top five nominations from this week, will feature in the Steemit Musicians live radio show on MSP-Waves every week - hosted on the Peace Abundance and Liberty discord server, through the Minnow Support Project.

A massive congratulations to all of those to be featured in the show, it is going to be great opportunity to get to further share the awesome entries we receive each week - I can't wait to hear the audience's feedback on all our judges selections and your entries.

I hope you can all drop by and support those who made this week's lists, I'm sure they'd appreciate the support - not to mention if you join you get to help choose the weekly 30 SBD winning entry!

Please join us for Steemit Musicians this Sunday 12-1 UTC!

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You can listen on twitch-

You can listen live at the mspwaves website- http://mspwaves.com/home/listen You can join broadcast hosts in a special chat room on the MSP Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/kNxM7T6 You can check out http://mspwaves.com/ for more information

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Open Mic's New Discord Server:

I'd like to officially welcome you all to the new Open Mic Discord server, we have been open a little while now - with many of you having already joined.

But it's still a little quiet and I blame myself partly (I didn't know the world of crazy would set in just after opening it up and I just haven't been there to engage with everyone properly or promptly), I hope to remedy this in the coming weeks and months with some big plans we have in the works.

For now it's very hush hush, as plans are finalised and things evolve - you a can be sure you guys will hear all about it.

In the meantime however, there are heaps of amazing musicians already on there - it's a tool and you guys need to use it to get full advantage.

Ask a question, request a collaboration the world is yours - hell even just go in there and play around listening to some tunes in the jukebox room!

I will be trying to make myself more available on the server as time continues, so feel free to drop by even just for a chat.

Again a big thanks to @soundlegion, @meno, @verbal-d and @passion-ground for all they do as judges, please remember to go and check out their top five selections each week and to @luzcypher and @pfunk thank you so much for making all of this possible - until next week.

Which was your favourite entry this week?

Like what you've read so far?
Check out my story

or follow me on twitter @krystlehaines
herePlease consider voting @ausbitbank for witness


Krystle thank you so much for including me and for your beautiful description!
It really means so much to me....you are wonderful!❤️

Oh lovely, my goal in life is to make the incredibly talented people know how wonderful we all find them and their creations - I will make you see and hear what we do, it is my mission in life for you to know how bloody brilliant you are :D <3

;_; Such kind words. Thank you.

My pleasure :D

@krystle thanks for picking my entry for your honorable mentions. Such a pleasure! Also thank you for your kind comment.

Congrats to all the artists of openmic

No worries at all, it was really beautiful :D

I don't even know how you do choose a top five, but really you can't go wrong. SO glad I came over to listen to some musicians who are new to me. Thank you for this curation effort, and massive praise to all the musicians highlighted here!

Bahahaha yeah it's an impossible choice but someones gotta do it ;) seriously though there are so many to choose from that's my biggest issue - maybe we need less talent lol, though I do love the way things are on an entertainment level. :D

Hermoso tu escrito, de verdad estas cosas inspiran y hacen que cada día me esfuerce más para darles un mejor trabajo musical para el querido público que escucha a través de las plataformas, muchas gracias por la mención...

No worries at all, you have some amazing skills and I truly enjoy your entries - you caught me by surprise today cause I got so used to you as a guitarist (all be it a brilliant one), but when you first sung it gave me chills.

Hope to keep seeing more of you soon, with or without vocals I love it :D

Thank you @krystle for your mentions <3

You guys always deserve a mention, you really are phenomenal talents :D

This is the first I'm hearing about this. How does someone like me audition?

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Lol it happens, well its pretty easy just go to @luzcypher's page and he will post (very soon I think) a link saying week 107 of open mic is open - inside that post he will list all the rules we use and how to participate properly, I hope this helps and I look forward to hearing an entry from you sometime soon :D