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RE: OpenMic Judges are not the Final! All in All say to your talent.

in #openmic7 years ago

I have to say this was a great thing for you to put out there and say to folks. I myself would love to win, but I made a choice many many years ago to dedicate myself to playing a kind of music that a lot of people on Earth do not care for. So I have figured that it isn't for everybody and put it out there anyway for the elite that do enjoy dark music. I was surprised to ever win even once and place second another time way back. All I can say to those who are getting angry is that I completely understand, but I think you may be playing music for the wrong reason. The first and ultimately only critic that you should ever listen to is yourself.

Some advice for you:
1.Play for the act and sheer joy of playing
2.Get high when you play, it makes it more fun and you can tap into that universal song that's a part of every song.
3.Don't expect an instant reward or any reward at all externally. Get that reward from the inside.
4.Definitely do not play for fame, money yes, fame no. Fame will ruin your life anyway

Anyway, I've said enough
\m/ PEACE \m/