Hey guys,
Here is one I've not sung for you before. I had a bit of a trip down memory lane and listened to Ben Howard, a signer/songwriter, who I dreamt about becoming (girl version) when I was about 14/15.
He is absolutely fantastic. He has such a soulful indie voice and a slight twang to his accent which just tops it off for the perfect combination.
I remember I saw him at the second festival I went to when I was really going through my indie years. I have recently been reminiscing over this time and getting back into this music so you may hear a few more tracks of this sort as the weeks go on.
I hope you enjoy it!
Hermoso!! <3 me encanto te deseo mucha suerte en el concurso , tienes una voz muy dulce! :D , yo pronto me animare a participar.
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