Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 5 - Wind Swept Shore

in #openmic7 years ago

Today is the start of the Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 5 where one lucky winner gets a new guitar!


The Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 1, 2, 3, and 4 were smashing successes. I'm really impressed by your talent you guys. Listening to your performances makes me feel blessed.

See Who Played Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 1

See Who Played Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 2

See Who Played Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 3

See Who Played Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 4

Open Mic Songwriters Challenge

Thanks to some generous sponsorship from @meno we are hosting the Open Mic Songwriters Challenge and the winner will win a free guitar with hard case.

  • Do you like to write songs?

  • Can you write a song a week for 8 weeks?

  • We will provide 8 different weekly themes

  • Enter the Open Mic Songwriters Challenge

  • Give a high five to @meno

  • Make some great music and you may win a new guitar!

This is the 5th week in this 8-week challenge. If you're just getting here and want to enter don't worry, be happy. You still have a chance to win that guitar. So get your jam on for this week's theme.

The theme for week 5 is:

Wind Swept Shore


To enter week 5 you need to write a song that is about or involves the phrase Wind Swept Shore.

It can be a metaphor or a lyric in the song as long as the song somehow relates to the theme Wind Swept Shore

To qualify as an entry to this week's challenge all the rules listed below must be followed and it must be a new song written for specifically for this challenge.

The first tag of your post must be: openmic

The second tag of your post music be: openmicsongwriters

Recommended tags:

openmic openmicsongwriters music contest guitar

openmic openmicsongwriters music contest guitar

The deadline to submit your entry is Monday. 25th of December 2017. Please have the song posted by then so we have time to review them all.

sponsor this fantastic, music-making, creativity-sparking, songwriting challenge by providing a new guitar with hard case to one, lucky winner!@meno graciously offered to

The contest will run for 8-weeks and each week we will provide a theme. You will write a new song about or related to that theme.

This challenge will require you to write up to 8 new songs, one per week. This is the challenge.

We will provide the theme each week and make it a bit uncommon so songwriters will not be able to pull previously written songs from their repertoire.

They will actually have to write a song based on the theme we provide and have a little less than a week to write each song.

So, are you up for the challenge? A shot to win that guitar?

Keep reading to discover how it works.


Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Rules

Following these rules is very important so your posts can get curated, upvoted, and seen by the Open Mic community.

  • The contest will run for 8 weeks. Each week will have a new theme. Songwriters will write one new song each week using the theme we provide.

  • Songwriters can join at any time, but the sooner you join the more points you'll accumulate, making your chances to win a little better. Don't worry, be happy.

  • Submit Original Music Written For This Challenge Only and related to each week's theme that we'll provide.

  • You can enter Steemit Open Mic and the Open Mic Songwriters Challenge with the same entry. Just say it is for both at the start of your video. Add a link to your post to both contests. Better yet, make 2 posts, one for each contest.

  • No covers, no parodies, or no cover versions will be considered as a valid entry.

  • You can sing in any language but the lyrics must be posted on your post in the language it is sung in plus in English using Google Translate.

  • OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week 4 must be the start of the title of the post, this is key so that judges can easily find the entries.

  • You must say “OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week 5” at the beginning of your video so we know you are really playing live for us for this contest (Adding an edit to a prerecorded video just to add the words is not good enough. It must be said out loud by the person performing the song just prior to performing it. Recording the words and editing it to the beginning of a video still does not prove it was really you)

  • Live performances only. No studio recorded tracks. Recording quality is not being judged. You can record it on your phone.

  • openmic & openmicsongwriters must be your first and second tag respectively. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT

  • Add a link to your entry post to the comments of the contest post published by @luzcypher so we know you entered. That's this post.

  • Lyrics must be included in your post If the song is sung in another language, the lyrics must be posted in both English and the language it is sung in.

  • Upvote the Open Mic Songwriters Challenge weekly post posted by @luzcypher

  • Give a high five to @meno because this is SO COOL!

  • All songs must be about the week’s theme, entries not related to the theme will not be considered as valid.

What About The Prizes?

All rules must be followed to qualify for the prize.

Winner of the contest takes home a brand new Grace Harbor Acoustic/Electric Guitar with a hard case. You can have a look and a listen to this beautiful guitar in this video.

Grace Harbor Guitars GHD-100CE

Shipping is included in the Continental United States. If you reside outside the U.S. he will ship it to the courier of your choice and you will need to pay any other import or shipping charges.

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See Who Played Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 1

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these contest both open mic and song writer i really love and enjoying it

It's a lot of fun. Good music.

After several weeks of illness, I'm back with a song for this and all the weeks I missed! Major shout out to @luzcypher and @meno, been thinking about you guys. It was a real bummer being on the bench for this contest.

I love how you tell a beautiful story with your intricate lyrics. Hope you're feeling better bro!

Thanks. It felt like a vivid image like this deserved some "real poetry" haha

Wow, wind swept shore - this is really difficult for me to pronounce, but hey let's see what happens.

Challenge accepted!

Haha... you are just too funny, girl! I can't wait to hear from you!!

Week 5, here it is. For me hardest so far, mostly because of logistics, but hey I guess that is part of playing.

Have a lovely holidays everyone :)

Another week another song.. This is mine for week #5 (singing Winds) @meno and @luczypher

another splendid stretch to the song-writers imagination ... :D @luzcypher

Hey @luzcypher really nice thing going on you got here, glad to be a part of it, here is my entry to the songwriters challenge ✌

thanks!! I'm glad you liked it :) this one was a real struggle hehe

Thank u for giving new artists the opportunity to show the world their talent! I'm very excited for this week's challenge, won't be easy but we'll do our best!!! Lots of love

wow nice excitting.Wish you to for a better songs for you and also get a guiter prize

I really have an issue about the bunos rewards in Original Songs..
I really think you miss my entry and not included to the Original Music entryWhere can I contact you @luzcypher ??

Since Week 50 I am doing Original Music and in Week 61 I am not included.

I just want an explanation why it is not included thank you....

I really hope sir you will not ignore my concern

No, I did not miss it. We are looking for songs, as in words and lyrics and music played by musicians that are 100% original. That is what the original song bonus is intended for. Please read the post.

We have a lot of people not really writing songs and calling it an original song. Paying those out will just dilute the rewards to those who actually wrote a song. I may have paid them out before but as the contest grows we are rewarding musicians that really take the time to write a song.

I hope you understand. Thanks

Ok i understand I guess this is not the place where I belong.

This is a perfect theme to a subject I wanted to tackle as I woke this morning

That's great! Can't wait to hear it.

This is gonna be interesting!!! :)

Loving your music, man. You got this.

:) thank you!! I shall do my best hehe

this is freaking awesome i cant believe i missed this. im definitely going to enter!

Awesome, Steven! Look forward to your participation, brother!

this is a great idea. I am going to try to chime in on it.

I love to follow the openmicsonwriters and openmic contests. We have so many talented steemians. Keep the magic flowing. : )

Okay, I'm putting on my sailors hat and starting to write....

Nice! Ride, Geena, Ride!

It will be hard. But, @brendahcaroline and I will do our best. Greetings!

You two can do it, Miguel! Can't wait to hear...

Thanks for the encouragement. We are already working on it. Despite being recovering from my operation, I think we will do something nice. You are great with us, I hope not to disappoint you

Ouch, that looks like it hurts! Get well soon my friend, I doubt you two could ever disappoint! Take care, and feel better!

Thanks for your good vibes!!!

We did it, finally, here's our entry: La eterna lucha de los amantes de arena. We hope you like it as much as we do. Merry christmas!!

hi luzchyper, what means wind swept shore, i use google translate and the traduction was poorly ahahahahhahahh

Hi Jose, in the most basic of terms "Wind Swept Shore" literally translates to the wind sweeping across a shoreline... From that basic concept of the wind blowing across the beach and its after-effects, it is assumed that one can develop a multitude of metaphors or experiences from which to draw upon in creating a song. Yes, I know it's difficult - as I myself would fall flat on my face with "Old McDonalds Farm" - but I hope that my explanation helps you some... Perhaps @luzcypher can elaborate further and better than I... All the best my friend!

wooahh this is a bit more difficult theme for me., hehehe I hope I can do it..

I suspect that anything remotely involving a subtle, direct, or indirect or metaphoric reference to a wind or breeze blowing or sweeping across a swath of land by the water will do just fine... You can do this @g10a!

@passion-ground, just what I needed to read. :D ... Thanks a ton

Thank you sir @passion-ground, I hope I can but I will hehehe and before that I'm gonna finish my song first to week 64, my entry is still in the construction stage.. hahaha

I just heard your week 64 not too long ago... It was a really good composition @g10a - really good!

So i'm working on a song to be posted soon ... and I'm gonna use my brand new guitar in the video. Anticipate Bishes!!!!!!!

I will ask the Sea if it has an idea. :)
One question: does swept come from to sweep?

Indeed it does... :-)

I'm early this week! Here's my entry!

Now I'm off to throw the shrimp on the barbie ;)

Hello everyone! this is my submit for this week , thanks once again @meno and @luzcypher for setting this up ! hope you like it ! Heres me. It was a bit of an emotional one for me this week..... I almost didn't post it but hey, I can't start getting cold feet now, Im over half way through! Love you all x