Behold the power of music. You're right, if it saves one life then it has done its job of reaching that person. I have lost too many friends to suicide and drugs and it really pisses me off.
Life is so precious and there will always be good times and bad times. It's just the way it is. People need to remember in the depths of despair that good times will return again. Life is full of cycles the wheel will keep turning.
Life is so precious!
All we can do, bruthaman, is keep inspiring, nurturing and helping others as best we can. If we live that truth by nurturing and inspiring ourselves, people will feel that veracity vibe off us...
I do it through my music. You're currently doing it through Open Mic. I'm certain that it's pulled people back from a dark place, mate. Thanks for making it happen.
💚 Thank you for being you @luzcypher.
Music is magic in that way and yes, many people have told me that Open Mic and Steemit has pulled them out of their funk and inspired them to make music again. It's what keeps me going.
These are some of the most interesting times we live in and there is so much to live for. I feel grateful every day.
You're doing an amazing thing with this, so whenever you hear some idiot whining about it, just remember that you are saving people.
Bless you mate!