Primero que todo merecido reconocimiento y agradecimiento a los que hacen posible este concurso y a nuestros jueces: @pfunk @luzcypher @passion-ground @krystle @soundlegion @meno @verbal-d
Esta canción me trae recuerdos de un ayer especial, donde le cantaba simbólicamente en el atardecer a un ser que aun no conocía, donde entre semáforos no encontraba su rostro, le cante a la guitarra, le cante al viento, comencé a expresar mis sentimientos de melancolía entre versos y versos cargados de una leve y desentonada melodía, era una artista de mi propia yo, del propio ser. Bañados de sensaciones ocultas que no podía solo decir, la canción va dedicado a ti que me escuchas y a ti que no me oyes. Busquemos las notas que van bailando en desafinada ocasión a tu lado. Bailan como elefantes en cuerdas disueltas en una humanidad sin oídos.
This song brings back memories of a special yesterday, where I sang it symbolically in the evening and I still did not know, where there is nothing new, the song on the guitar, the song in the wind, I began to express my feelings of melancholy between verses and verses loaded with a slight and out-of-tune melody, was an artist of my own self, of my own being, bathed in hidden sensations that can not be said alone, the song dedicated to you that listens to me and that I do not like. dancing on the occasion beside you, they dance like elephants on strings dissolved in a humanity without ears
Debo decirles que por problemas de grabación no se escucha la palabra Steemit, en acotación lo colocó aquí.
I hope you enjoy it
This song brings back memories of a special yesterday, where I sang it symbolically in the evening and I still did not know, where there is nothing new, the song on the guitar, the song in the wind, I began to express my feelings of melancholy between verses and verses loaded with a slight and out-of-tune melody, was an artist of my own self, of my own being, bathed in hidden sensations that can not be said alone, the song dedicated to you that listens to me and that I do not like. dancing on the occasion beside you, they dance like elephants on strings dissolved in a humanity without ears