Thanks. It's not my best, but I felt I just had to get something out there to get the ball rolling. Hoping to start entering weekly... If I can find a way to sneak away from the kids so I can sing above a whisper then I think that would help. 🤣🤣 And if my exhausted mommy brain can keep from forgetting how the songis actually supposed to end! 😜
@meesterboom I'm not caught up on all your posts lately (except that rascal, Ol' Boomy that is!) how's the weaning coming along? The husband never slept well during those times. He would often say, "oh just give him/her some boo-boo and we'll try again tomorrow!" 😆
@meesterboom Good! My kids were all great eaters, but they all nursed to sleep. It's just so convenient! Some might call it lazy parenting, but it ensured I got some sleep! 😆
@meesterboom Haha... I think you are the #1 best Steemit reply-er of all time! How do you do it and still post daily? My account is not nearly at your level and it seems I can either post or keep up on comments or do some curating, but not all 3 successfully. Do you have any tips for me?
I did just discover fast-reply and oh-my-word! It is a big help! But even so, I feel like I wish I could do more. Perhaps a trip to the future in one of your stories so I can clone myself! 😆
Thanks. It's not my best, but I felt I just had to get something out there to get the ball rolling. Hoping to start entering weekly... If I can find a way to sneak away from the kids so I can sing above a whisper then I think that would help. 🤣🤣 And if my exhausted mommy brain can keep from forgetting how the songis actually supposed to end! 😜
Hahaha, yeah, those are the hard bits for sure!!
Haha, I often say that although to be fair it is coming along quite well. He is eating like a champ these days!
Ours are just too sleep too. It is convenient!
@meesterboom Haha... I think you are the #1 best Steemit reply-er of all time! How do you do it and still post daily? My account is not nearly at your level and it seems I can either post or keep up on comments or do some curating, but not all 3 successfully. Do you have any tips for me?
I did just discover fast-reply and oh-my-word! It is a big help! But even so, I feel like I wish I could do more. Perhaps a trip to the future in one of your stories so I can clone myself! 😆