We should! I wrote it in your house :) ... while you were sleeping most probably :) haha
... I guess the foundation of the song comes from packing and moving (when I go I take everything I have) and out of your loosing everything all the time ... and I felt it is a nice parallel for our lives :)
You two are like peas in a pod, both have an amazing way to transfer the emotions through a song, I really enjoyed your collabs on Steemit, I sense a good connection between you two, this song is really great @chaifm (parts of it reminded me on "Iris" from the Goo Goo Dolls, which I love and adore) always a pleasure to hear your's and @melavie songs ✌
hey ivan :) thank you :) I love Iris - and btw I loooooove love love the band you recommended especially this song (I know it is a remix, but very good one:)
@chaifm I fell in love in Dikanda 10 years ago, I'm just amazed in how they interpret all of that gypsy songs from all around the Europe, especially Hungarian gypsy (Usztijio Album) and thank you for Katarina Malikova, she is amazing
We should! I wrote it in your house :) ... while you were sleeping most probably :) haha
... I guess the foundation of the song comes from packing and moving (when I go I take everything I have) and out of your loosing everything all the time ... and I felt it is a nice parallel for our lives :)
You two are like peas in a pod, both have an amazing way to transfer the emotions through a song, I really enjoyed your collabs on Steemit, I sense a good connection between you two, this song is really great @chaifm (parts of it reminded me on "Iris" from the Goo Goo Dolls, which I love and adore) always a pleasure to hear your's and @melavie songs ✌
hey ivan :) thank you :) I love Iris - and btw I loooooove love love the band you recommended especially this song (I know it is a remix, but very good one:)
@chaifm I fell in love in Dikanda 10 years ago, I'm just amazed in how they interpret all of that gypsy songs from all around the Europe, especially Hungarian gypsy (Usztijio Album) and thank you for Katarina Malikova, she is amazing