Believer Cover

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Clip of Doe Renée, Your Royal Hemptress Rocking a Pre-recording live stream of 'Believer' by Imagine Dragons. The tone is somber yet empowered, sang through perspective of women today singing to young women who will lead the future of Humanity .

Like if you want me to bring this cover to production for audio and a music video . If you're a woman artist, come to GODDESS gathering to be a part of this music video with ZeroPoint Om Productions and/or submit a video of yourself singing this song (using piano version) and I can use your voice or just have it as lip sync.

Full video at

#doeRenee #cover #dryrh #doereneeyourroyalhemptress #imaginedragons #believer #soul #piano #singing #goddess #live #womenshistory #herstory #wearetheoneswevebeenwaitingfor #zeropoint #zeropointOm #zpomp #zeropointOmProductions #earthguardians #wakeup #humanity #humanityfamily #community


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