Unos días atrás, una persona muy especial me pidió que cantara en la última noche de rezos de un amigo muy querido de su familia, este hombre había perdido la batalla contra el cáncer. Yo no contaba con un canto apropiado para la ocasión, así que me dediqué a buscar un poco por la web y me topé con este tema compuesto por Cesáreo Gabaráin, un sacerdote español ¡Y vaya que tema! me atrapó de inmediato. Quiero compartirlo con ustedes, pues es todo un regalo. Al escuchar o al cantar esta melodía es inevitable no llenarse de paz y esperanza... ¡Un gran abrazo!
La muerte no es el final
Tú nos dijiste que la muerte,
no es el final del camino,
que aunque morimos no somos
carne de un ciego destino.
Tú nos hiciste, tuyos somos.
Nuestro destino es vivir
/ siendo felices contigo,
sin padecer ni morir. / (2)
Cuando la pena nos alcanza
por un hermano perdido,
/cuando el adiós dolorido
busca en la fe su esperanza. /(2)
En tu Palabra confiamos,
con la certeza que Tú
/ ya le has devuelto a la vida,
ya le has llevado a la luz. / (2)
El autor de la canción es el sacerdote español Cesáreo Gabaráin Azurmendi (1936-1991), que la compuso a la muerte de Juan Pedro, un organista de su parroquia que falleció con 17 años. Sin embargo, fue en el año 1981 cuando el teniente general José María Sáenz de Tejada la escuchó en el transcurso de un funeral y la propuso para el traslado de la tradicional corona de laurel hasta la cruz en los ceremoniales militares de homenaje a los Caídos. A su vez, el compositor Tomás Asiain, vinculado a himnos militares, se encargó de la versión definitiva para destino castrense. «La muerte no es el final» fue instrumentada y armonizada para banda de música y coro.
Cesáreo Gabaráin Azurmendi, nacido en Hernani, comenzó a componer en 1966 durante su estancia en el Colegio Chamberí de los Hermanos Maristas de Madrid. En 1980 fue nombrado coadjutor de la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves, en la misma ciudad, y responsable de formación religiosa en el Colegio San Fernando. Hasta su muerte en 1991, cuando iba a cumplir 55 años, Gabaráin compuso casi 500 obras, entre las que destaca la mundialmente conocida «Pescador de hombres» («Tú has venido a la orilla...»).
A few days ago, a very special person asked me to sing on the last night of prayers from a very dear friend of his family, this man had lost the battle against cancer. I did not have an appropriate song for the occasion, so I dedicated myself to search the web a bit and I came across this topic composed by a Spanish priest. And what a topic! He caught me immediately. I want to share it with you, it is a gift. When listening or singing this song it is inevitable not to be filled with peace and hope ... A big hug!
Death is not the end
You told us that death,
It is not the end of the road,
that although we die we are not
meat of a blind destiny.
You made us, we are yours.
Our destiny is to live
/ being happy with you,
without suffering or dying. / (two)
When the penalty reaches us
for a lost brother,
/ when the goodbye sore
look for your hope in faith. /(two)
In your Word we trust,
with the certainty that You
/ You have already returned him to life,
You have already brought him to light. / (two)
The author of the song is the Spanish priest Cesáreo Gabaráin Azurmendi (1936-1991), who composed it on the death of Juan Pedro, an organist of his parish who died at the age of 17. However, it was in 1981 when Lieutenant General José María Sáenz de Tejada listened to her during a funeral and proposed her for the transfer of the traditional laurel wreath to the cross in the military ceremonies of homage to the Fallen. In turn, the composer Tomás Asiain, linked to military hymns, was in charge of the final version for military purposes. «Death is not the end» was instrumented and harmonized for music and chorus.
Cesáreo Gabaráin Azurmendi, born in Hernani, began composing in 1966 during his stay at the Chamberí College of the Marist Brothers of Madrid. In 1980 he was appointed coadjutor of the parish of Our Lady of the Snows, in the same city, and responsible for religious formation in the San Fernando School. Until his death in 1991, when he was about to turn 55, Gabaráin composed almost 500 works, among which stands out the world-famous "Fisherman of men" ("You have come to the shore ...").

Gracias @luzcypher y a los patrocinantes que hacen posible el OpenMic; @curie, @pfunk, @ausbitbank, @aggroed, @isaria
Thanks @luzcypher and the sponsors that make OpenMic possible; @curie, @pfunk, @ausbitbank, @aggroed, @isaria
than calmer tones, like to rest and relax.
the very hopeful letter for someone who is suffering from one of the most lethal diseases on the planet. just hope and maybe, because not faith in God can be enough to be calm and have the joy of being saved.
In the great composition of the priest, he may have suffered something similar or simply seek his muse from the underprivileged.
Very nice gesture for someone who suffers from cancer, thank you for sharing.
"hopeful letter" I agree with you, the lyrics of this song is powerful, it hides a profound, hopeful, spiritual meaning that not only comforts the one who is near the end, it also accompanies the one who remains in this world thinking about the who has left. If something needs this world is hope, hope invites us to change, to look with love to the other, to smile in difficult times, to enjoy life with goodness, with virtue, with love ... Death is not the end of the road, so I feel it and I believe it in my heart. Thanks for your words. A hug Bro!
Gracias! Un gran saludo!
Hi minuetoacademy,
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Gracias!!! Un Abrazo!!! :) :) :)
Thank you!!! A hug!!! :) :) :)
It is hard to lose the battle against cancer. The song has a very emotional lyrics, thank you very much for translating it for those of us who do not speak that language. It's a good performance you've done.
Thank you for your support and your kind words, a hug!
This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
Thanks for the support, a hug!!! :) :) :)
Thank God for sharing your beautiful voice I congratulate you. I like how you sing to God you are an angel praising our Lord, an angelic voice continues so God bless your voice
Amen, thank you for your words. All Glory be to God. A hug, God bless you!
muy hermosa la voz amigo te felicito por la gran voz que tienes. me gusta todo una voz muy afinada catas con el corazón a Dios , soy muy amante de Dios me hiciste llorar y mis bellos se pararon con tu voz .
Gracias por tus palabras, toda la Gloria sea para Dios. Un abrazo, Dios te bendiga. :)
I can imagine that it is a difficult assignment to sing and play at such an occasion and I understand that you didn't have any song for this. Losing battle against cancer.. heartbreaking for the family and friends.
You did a great choice. It is a beautiful song to sing during the last night of prayers. Thank you for translating the lyrics into English.
Thank you for your comment, no doubt it is difficult, I felt the loss of that family, because my father also died of cancer, but I thank God for bringing a message of hope through this song, one that I want to convey to all those that can, a message that invites us to believe in God, that invites us to raise our gaze beyond pain, materiality, earthly existence ... as a good friend of mine would say to "put things in perspective" ... A hug, God bless you.
I am sorry to hear about your loss too!
Wow dude..big respect for undertaking such tough task. Big respect. We've had some cancer issues in family but thanks god everything worked out fine. If anything would happen and song like this would be played, it'd kill me. I'm even getting kinda sad now, just listening to it :) Anyway, great work and big respect man.
I understand you, thank God everything went well in your family, in the difficulty we should never abandon faith, hope and love ... If we lost those virtues, then we would lose the joy of living ... A big hug for you !
Wow tu interpretación me dejo impactada, por la letra de la canción, por el sonido del piano, por tu voz, todo fue perfecto y sublime de verdad me encanto, wow amigo eso fue perfecto, cantas espectacular, Dios bendiga tu talento, un gran abrazo!!
Amén, Gracias @naideth, Un gran abrazo para ti!! :) :)
¡Saludos! Tu post ha sido votado y ha tenido resteem por el proyecto @votomasivo.
Apreciación: Muy bello tema y excelente interpretación... realmente hemos disfrutado de tu post, por su belleza y toda la historia detrás que le suma valor. Gracias por compartir tu vida y tus creencias a través de la música.
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Gracias por tu apoyo @votomasivo, un abrazo! :)
Es una canción fuerte, pesada para las emociones.
Buena interpretación y producción. La pérdida es un concepto que en algún momento de nuestras vidas nos invade, es lo triste.
Gracias por compartir esto.
Gracias a tu por tu comentario @fernando.lubezki. Las pérdidas son inevitables, nos recuerdan que esto, la vida en el plano físico, no es para siempre, que los momentos felices con nuestros seres queridos son tesoros... Que hay que darse en amor para poder tejer momentos de felicidad... No queda más que caminar con la esperanza de que un día veremos a aquellos que recordamos con tanto anhelo, cuando alcancemos la realidad última de las cosas, la realidad verdadera. Un abrazo!