I have met Mo back in Thailand and I can say that she's one of the most authentic, kind and energetic people I have ever met. The way she is in her videos, that is how she is in real life. She genuinely wants to connect with people because that's who she is. If you ever feel like down then just hang out with her and you will feel better...it's a gift.
Concerning Steem...omg..don't get me started. She has poured sweat and tears into this. She is just involved in so many communities because she wants to contribute as much as she can and I'm like O_o god daaaaaaaamn! How do you do that..to which she responded "I believe in steem". She doesn't just say it, but she SHOWS it and that is what matters most. To be honest, I have never seen anyone this dedicated to STEEM. Are you supersteemgirl? Your steemit name should have been that :D Anyway, she most DEFINITELY has added value to STEEM whether it'd be with her awesome, engaging, funny and entertaining videos or pics or posts or projects or connecting with steem creators...god damn!! Multitasking level 10000?
Mo has deserved this ticket to steemfest...period.
Thank you so much Mo for inspiring so many people on the blockchain! You are the girl! Keep on being you and rocking the hell out of the STEEM blockchain!
Winny out...for now ;)
Winnayyyyy, so overrated hahahhaha LOLOL Thanks for such kind thoughts about me you listed here. Thanks for such a support and I'm glad we met last time and glad I gotta meet your bro and your mom also!. Those were well spent hours!
Too bad you for sure won't make it to the fest as I would love to meet you IF I have a chance to be there myself!
Tangmo out.. for now ;)