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RE: OPEN MIC WEEK 56- Original song. Title: "Steem Power" ( Rae Sremmurd swang Cover)

in #openmic7 years ago

Hello @fortune-inyang,

you made a killing on this one bro. You entered with a bang!

  • Lyrics ✓

  • Flow ✓

  • Style ✓

  • Beat Dope✓✓

May be you and I could do something collabo-rish someday. Tip: I also sing but I'm keeping that on the low for now!!

To the moon bro! ...To the moon!!!


You too much man! But wait why keep it low man? Let's build some fire bro.

I write songs and a retired rapper...

Poetry is my thing

@fortune-inyang did some poetic justice here

giphy (3).gif

@nairadaddy, you do almost everything hahaha

Lolx. That's how life is bro. A little here, a little there. So you na retired rapper? kikkikki.
Fortune is good...

All the retired rappers are needed on a project I will be putting up on sooner than later. Hehe.

not a bad idea... sounds interesting

Great! I plan to put mostly steemians on my Ep and God help me I should shoot an official video for "steem power". It wont only project me as an artiste, it would bring the whole of my social media followers to steemit thus promoting the growth of this great platform. I wish I can make that happen real quick.

This is good forward thinking ... steem power

Go fortune Go

Thanks for the push bro...I will not forget in a hurry.