Wow! I was just turning my phone off to get some sleep (it’s late here in Australia) & I see your top 5 post.
Number 1!!! Not sure I’ll get to sleep now!!!
Now I know Open Mic is not about getting top placement in judges Top 5 or in the contest overall, but thank you so much, bro, from the bottom of my heart, for recognising not just the important message I’m sharing, but also the passion and work that went into it.
And that’s why I think it’s important in this case.
It represents our values as a community when songs (or any art work) that have been intentionally created to convey healing and positive transformation, especially from our darkest times, get recognition like this.
It helps set the bar for what we all must strive for as artists.
I know you understand this better than most.
With immense gratitude in my heart I humbly say thank you and blessings.
If anyone is feeling the pains of depression or anxiety, just know that a good wave of life will come your way again soon, even if you can’t see it from where you’re standing, so please reach out to someone now. There are hotlines with caring people that want to hear from you that can help in any situation. Call them now. We need you here with us.
Congratulations!!!! Beautiful words, voice, guitar, and sound. I finished #4 here, and as you said it's not about ranking, but it's always really nice to be recognized. Looking forward to hearing more from you, Nathan!