
Ahhh - And therein lays the distinguished realm between "peace" and "grease" - Love is indeed what makes the world go round for the majority of us... There's no place I'd rather be immersed rather than within the realm of "love" - and passion, of course... :-)

Man Did you realize that you just expressed, in part, the archetype of chiron..."peace" or the Ground or Outer realm, and "grease" or the mundane, "fatty" manifest creation. You are the channel man!

I had no clue - but I'll tell you this - I trust your insights in such matters like no other.

It is ever-so flattering to contemplate that I may indeed be a "channel" of any sort... For that, I am eternally grateful! Thank you, "OneTrue!"

Those healed, become healers... so the story goes, anyway... and Yes, I suspect that I can readily qualify for such standing...