Steemit openmic week 68 - cover song " Bondan Prakoso - kita untuk selamanya" Colaboration with steemian openmic [ @indrameong2 @sabatini @hidayat20 @rahuldit @naly.ega @steemgame ]

in #openmic7 years ago

Hello steemian this my entry for steemit openmic week 68.

For the entry this time, I brought the prakoso bond song titled us for his long, this song about friendship which in the end should be separated because of busyness and future. Hope you guys like me also include the lyrics below to understand the meaning of this song.

Lyric english

eiyo ... it's not the end, it's just beginning

ok ... the second curtain starts to close the stage
the sign of the scenario ... eyo ... just started carrying
new sheets of paper open
leave the old one, let the pen compete
we ever call that memories past
never lost or never passed
blue or gray white period (hey)
memory crita love me, him and you

when he (he) entered his mind
earth sciences and surroundings so snack
school love ever
that was the moment a part of sweet memory
we are grounded, stepped together
we create a warm story
began to mature, jealous and bungah
finally now, its our time to make a history

hurry up, my friend ... welcome the future
still holding hands, hugging each other
give a smile to a farewell!
remember our friends ... us for the slamanya!

# Lirik indonesia. eiyo... it's not the end, it's just beginning

ok... detak detik tirai mulai menutup panggung
tanda skenario... eyo... baru mulai diusung
lembaran kertas barupun terbuka
tinggalkan yang lama, biarkan sang pena berlaga
kita pernah sebut itu kenangan tempo dulu
pernah juga hilang atau takkan pernah berlalu
masa jaya putih biru atau abu-abu (hey)
memori crita cinta aku, dia dan kamu

saat dia (dia) dia masuki alam pikiran
ilmu bumi dan sekitarnya jadi kudapan
cinta masa sekolah yang pernah terjadi
that was the moment a part of sweet memory
kita membumi, melangkah berdua
kita ciptakan hangat sebuah cerita
mulai dewasa, cemburu dan bungah
finally now, its our time to make a history

bergegaslah, kawan... tuk sambut masa depan
tetap berpegang tangan, saling berpelukan
berikan senyuman tuk sebuah perpisahan!
kenanglah sahabat... kita untuk slamanya!

satu alasan kenapa kau kurekam dalam memori
satu cerita teringat didalam hati
karena kau berharga dalam hidupku, teman
untuk satu pijakan menuju masa depan

saat duka bersama, tawa bersama
berpacu dalam prestasi... (huh) hal yang biasa
satu persatu memori terekam
didalam api semangat yang tak mudah padam
kuyakin kau pasti sama dengan diriku
pernah berharap agar waktu ini tak berlalu
kawan... kau tahu, kawan... kau tahu kan?
beri pupuk terbaik untuk bunga yang kau simpan

back to reff:

bergegaslah, kawan... tuk sambut masa depan
tetap berpegang tangan dan saling berpelukan
berikan senyuman tuk sebuah perpisahan!
kenanglah sahabat...


Looks like all of you had so much fun doing this! Great job, everyone!

thanks again, your support made us feel it

Sudah kami upvote..

mantap om , thanks om