...So here we are, in week #76 brothers and sisters, and in spite of STEEM and SBD hitting the skids of late, STEEMIT’s musical community, and the Open-Mic Venue in particular, continue to prevail against all odds!
This proves unequivocally, just how much STEEMIT and the Open-Mic Venue means to real people – in the real world - above and beyond the price of the cryptocurrency, which just so happens to be an important ancillary element inherent within the underlying platform in which this venue resides and thrives.
In my view, our “Open-Mic” venue is way bigger and far more important than the daily price of BITCOIN! In spite of that, we all hope and trust that the crypto-realm in which this venue was conceived, shall continue to thrive and support in a very real and meaningful way, all of the phenomenal artists that “The Open-Mic” has spawned, and has brought to the fore in a most brilliant and effective way.
Before we move on, please don't forget to vote for @Pfunk, @Ausbitbank, & @Teamsteem as witnesses! All of whom are our biggest supporters who play major roles in helping to run, fund, curate, build and expand the Open Mic contest. You can vote for each of them right now by going to this link: https://steemit.com/~witnesses
So with that said, following some further insights as to how I judge, let’s get it on, shall we?
Steemit Open Mic Week 76

My Process

As one of the esteemed Open Mic judges, it is my job to come up with (or “curate” as it were) a short-list of my top 5 entrants each week. With all of the great talent here, that is by no means an easy task. Sure, tossing in another 5 honorable mentions helps, but not when my weekly list starts out with 100 or more of my favorite entries... You guy's rock - I'm tellin ya!
Yes, I am a Libra – so I have an inherent drive deep within me to be fair and balanced – good qualities for a “judge” if you ask me. That being said, I’m still human – filled with emotion and subjective feelings – just like you. So, in order to mitigate my subjective tendencies to the best extent possible, I’ve come up with a method by which to narrow down my selections in a more objective vs. arbitrary manner.
Here’s how I go about my personal judging processHow We Pick The Top 3 Entries, referencing such.: I first start out with a list of 100 or more of my most favorite entries for the week, and score them (yes, subjectively) in six distinct categories via a spreadsheet. The categories I’ve selected for scoring are in general harmony with those explained by @luzcypher in his post titled
To get a more in-depth perspective as to how I personally go about selecting my artists, please refer to What I go through as an Open-Mic Judge.
Even though it’s still a “subjective” process – diligently going through each scoring category to come up with a “total” score for each entrant helps to minimize any overzealous subjectivity that I may harbor with respect to any specific entrants.
Quite often, this exercise doesn’t give me the exact results I would personally prefer to see – but that only means that my system of judging is working as intended and designed. With all of that said, here are...
My Top-5 Picks in Order

Wow, – student and teacher combine and "kick-ass" on a level that is most admirable on every possible level! The passion here is undeniable! On the part of the “student” vocalist, as well as on part of the “master guitarist” mentor, - the two of them meld in such a way that defies reason! Therein lay the reason that they find themselves in my number one spot this week. I just loved everything about this!

I’ve got to give a special shout-out here for this “BAND!” As musicians, we know all-too-well just how difficult it is to bring forth a “band” of artists to collaborate toward a common purpose. These guys are living proof that such an accomplishment is indeed possible – however impossible it may seem for the rest of us. I loved everything about this production! I love the music, the video, the audio quality, and the intermittent drum solos, along of course, with the dynamic musical tempo-shift in bringing this tune to its brilliant and rather fun and entertaining conclusion! All of the above in combination - have set this fine entry into my number two spot for week #76.

Okay, so, I’m telling you brothers and sisters, when I heard this, I fell in love head-over-heels – straight away! Again, in keeping with the “band” concept, these guys are most definitely my cup of tea! I love the bass-lines, the vocals, the lead guitar embellishments, and just about everything else about this most entertaining original tune! You gotta check these guys out – click play, and just get into the blues-laden-jam these guys lay down so eloquently! Strike-three – and you’re out baby! And, I’m IN!

Yo, man – Ed just lays it down nice and easy, but in a rather captivating and entertaining way! On the surface, he seems like just a regular guy with a little somethin’ to say. And, what he has to say is rather stirring and meaningful on so many levels. Such a great composition and performance, Ed! I loved this, man – and that’s precisely why Ed found his way into my Top-5! If it matters at all, Ed, I don’t feel like I belong either! Thank goodness for that ever-positive “sunshine, brother!"

Alright, so he starts out innocuously enough – but then, BAM – his vocals come into play, and, WOW! Drew’s keys, in concert with his spot-on vocals, quickly come to the fore and take over like nobody’s business! “See You Again” is an exceptional composition and performance that most definitely requires hitting the “play-button” to appreciate it in all of its passionate beauty.

My Top-5 Honorable Mentions in Order:

: @melavie – "Magic" - (Original) from Erin Hanson's Poetry

: @nirtsfaty - "Love Is Cruel" - (Original)

: @baiver86 – Can't Help Falling In Love" - (Cover)

: @jotadiaz12 – "Elastic Heart" - (Cover)

: @drewley – "Possible For Me" - (Original)

Thank you for reviewing my selections for this week’s Open-Mic contest. If you find this content I’ve curated entertaining and of value to you, then please consider up-voting and/or re-steeming it.

Peace, Love, and Justice for All

A Very Special Shout Out To:
The following 20 artists who were very much on my radar, each within a splitting hair of making it into my overall top-10, and whose performances I loved, cherish, and respect most assuredly. This special list is very much an extension of my most honorable mentions.
They are - in no particular order:
@trevorpetrie, @pedromrmourato, @melissakellie, @markaustin, @michaeldietrich, @timothympratt, @joseacabrerav, @edenmichelle, @miaapado, @andrewmarkmusic, @thesimpson, @senzenfrenz, @rodrigocabrera, @bonniepiesse, @elisonr13, @benleemusic, @petrajordan, @sallyswitchblade, @honeymoon-1611, and @adreini!

Another Special Shout Out To:
The following artists whose performances I very much enjoyed this week. They are - in no particular order:
@untaljames, @melodeons, @manurodriguez, @danshawmusic, @wethepatsies, @camporr, @itinerantartist, @revdocwelch, @soykatonline, @gibber, @jumpmaster, @kkarenmp, @yetxuni, @timothybusker, @lk666, @shaktisun, @bryandivisions, @malvarezmusic, @graceleon, @addiesworld, @nadabrahmasounds, @williamsreinoso, @paulove, @guifaquetti, @abyni, @rjcha, @esaug, @melodyrussell, @lorey-bero, @liat, @coruscate, @gladiador, @claratymusic, @enazirma, @andybabbmusic, @alvaro017, @klynic, @brendahcaroline, @ingridkornelia, @andii, @juliolunar, @temistocles123, @maerod, @jgvinstl, @alejandra23, @leomolina, @wilins, @joecha, @andreback, @javierdunn, @carlosrada, @tarotbyfergus, @exzorltg, @martinsandersuk, @bennettitalia, @kendramoriah, @adamazing, @danieldyemusic, @acousticsteveo, @silviagoh, @builtinfire, @pollocyber, @laleerock, @cesaralejandro, @luiskrupaz, @chaifm, and @vjeanns!

Much love and thanks to each and every one of you who have touched a part of my heart and soul - not only this week but forever!

@passion-ground, thanks for the honorable mention! Your right, it IS beginning to feel like family :-)
It was well-deserved, brother! Family indeed - thanks, man!
Cheers for the shout-out brother!
Always, Trevor - thank you, brother!
Great picks from some great music. Thanks for the speciel shout out brother!
You got it, brother... Thanks, Martin!
Thank you so much for including me in that list of amazing musicians!! I found some great new pieces here! Love!!!
You're in good company, Melavie - and so are they! Thank you!
thank you @passion-ground
Thank you, Grace.
Thanks again for this bro! I always check your top 5 and it's incredible each time! I appreciate your special mention and I take advantage to say congratulations to everyone! You rock guys!
Thank you, brother!
Hey, wonderful work everybody, thanks for the mention @passion-ground!
You've got it, my brother! Thank you!
I'm glad that it's a surprise, I do not win but I feel honored to at least appear in the performances that you enjoyed, I'm glad you enjoyed it, I hope you enjoy my new entry as well. regards
I certainly look forward to all of your future entries, Karen! Thank you! :-)
Thank you for the mention, @passion-ground! I’m gonna have a good listen to your top picks when I wake up ;)
Top of the morning to you, Pj! I hope that you find my selections in good order... xxx
I love participating in this competition, being part of a great community of musicians fills me with great joy. I hope you continue to enjoy my participation, I will put my whole heart in the next
Oh, we most definitely will, brother! Looking forward to your future entries... Thank you for the kind words and encouragement!
I feel good!
Like I knew you would! :-)
This list looks awesome!
Many I haven't yet heard so I reckon I'm in for a real treat!
Thanks for the very special mention about the collaboration I did with Ben Lee.
Thanks for the work you put in mate!
Thank you so much for all the hard work, intelligent insight and passion you, and I'm sure all the other judges (I have to assume as I haven't read any of their posts yet) , so clearly put into this work @passion-ground. I know it must mean so much to all the artists who pour their heart and soul and talent into this contest.
I can hardly wait until I'm off the road and have a good WiFi connection so I can begin to sample all this tasty musical delight!
Edit: opps! My apologies. My first comment and I put it in the wrong place. Lesson learned.
My pleasure, brother! You two were absolutely phenomenal in that collab, bro!
Who cares about the price of Steem? Music keeps us going. I'll keep on playing anyway
Well said, Steve! Thank you, brother!
good my friend, openmic is the place we have found to express ourselves, and I thank you always for this space that you have created, you make an excellent work friend. regards
Thank you, @erpachon!
thank you so much for the shout out!! ♥ it keeps us grounded and motivated seeing as there's so many good artists giving their best here as well. Xx
You are quite welcome, and thank you! Xx
My friend this has been a tough week at work, I'm a teacher and here in Argentina classes are now starting, so these are crazy weeks! hehe
Good stuff you have picked in here, congrats to all these great artists!
Have a nice weekend!
Hoping to participate next week,
Thanks for the kind comment, Roman! Look forward to hearing more from you in the near future! Cheers!
I don't get it... I don't even know who you are, man... First place? On what planet? Please do clarify so I can humbly apologise for not realizing exactly how you are associated with my first place pick. Thank you!
I'm sorry, it's me ... only that my sister left her account open and I was writing, I sent the message and they suspended the electric service (Yes, in Venezuela now they take away our electricity), and I could not see what I wrote in her account, until today.
Gottcha! It's cool... At least the comment makes sense now - you two were absolutely phenomenal here in week 76, and I hope the other judges think so too! Thanks again for clearing up where the above comment came from - so glad you're stoked! :-)
Thank you! I am really glad that you liked our work, thanks for your support it means a lot to me, i am happy already only with it. Thanks for the opportunitie that you give us to show our talents.
Wow, @passion-ground, I really appreciate the beautiful write-up. I'm so happy the song spoke to you, thanks for then enouragment!
You are most welcome, Ed! Yeah, your song definitely spoke to me as I'm sure it has too many others as well. Great performance brother, thank you!
Thank you, @passion-ground! much love, brother
You are most welcome, Nir. Love your music and artistry, brother!
Thanks man <3
Thanks so much for the shoutout! :)
You're welcome, Melissa! Thank you for your great entry! :-)
I haven’t been consistent, I really miss Open mic but I’ve been occupied with so many other projects .
My recent project
are you alright there !!
so many great songs! I'm not sure how or when to submit a post for the open mic. is there a post i can read on how and when to enter?
you can follow @luzcypher, he posts the week opening every sunday and you can find the rules there as well
Awesome, muchos appreciated! will follow now!
Each Sunday evening a new contest is announced. You have to wait for it to enter... Here is last weeks announcement with all of the rules... https://steemit.com/openmic/@luzcypher/steemit-open-mic-week-76-record-your-performance-and-win-steem-sponsored-by-pfunk-and-luzcypher
Great stuff thanks for the help guys!
Saludos, budy. Buenas elecciones.
So glad you thought so... Thank you.
Yes, I enjoyed. Be good!
Always grateful for your support brother. regards!
Gracias por la mención @passion-ground