
Just curious, what is your connection to the Open mic contest? I didn't see an entry in my quick scan of your profile just now, but you were complimenting many of the entries.

Like I said, I'm just curious, people say I'm nosy. ha ha
Are you one of the judges @passion-ground? are you an alias for @luzcypher?

I am an official judge...

Play?Do you enter the contest yourself? You see, I AM nosy ha ha haThat is good to know @passion-ground. Are you a musician? if so, what do you

I just put the following in the Steemit search bar

"@passion-ground open mic week 35"

And this is what came up...

As you can see, I play a little bit of everything. And, yes, I began entering the Open-Mic in week 34 and more or less stopped due to lack of time after becoming an official judge. I still try to get an unofficial entry or project posted every now and then.

I have my entry up on my profile for this week, 96 but just like last week, I can't find the
Current contest post where I post my link to

What time does @luzcypher put up the new entry Post @passion-ground?

Technically, you're supposed to wait to post entry's until the new contest week is announced, which is on Sunday's. Just keep a watch for the new weekly announcements on @luzcyphers blog.

Been checking there for the last 2 hrs, at least every 15 min.
In the Discord Open mic channel, there is another post
Already up as well.

What part of the world does @luzcypher live? Is it nighttime There right now @passion-ground?