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RE: A Judges Reply to Nathan Kaye and the Entire Open-Mic Community

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

I think that makes perfect sense, brother! In light of such, might I suggest to all of my musical brothers and sisters, and to all those who love music and follow the Open-Mic or any other online musical venue:

If you see and hear anything you like that makes you feel good in any way at all...

Say Something!

Say what comes to your heart and soul! Spell it out boldly and clearly!

I for one am certain, and I'm sure that Nathan would agree, that the artists to which you direct such verbal sentiments will receive such with great appreciation - and perhaps with even MORE appreciation than actual real-life applause!


Yeah baby, I'm down with that 100%

Better yet...

In addition to your #digitalapplause, if an artist really touches you in a unique and special way:

Send them a TIP directly!

Doing so is no different than tossing a $5.00 or $10.00 dollar bill into a street performers guitar case whose public performance simply made your day! That little show of appreciation will certainly make their day in kind. It's a win-win situation! Be thankful and grateful for all that we have and all that we share.

Never stop "having" and never stop "sharing!"