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RE: Steemit Open Mic Week 77 - Silence (Waves of Life) - naTHAN Kaye (Original Song)

in #openmic7 years ago

I could write many words but you said most of them. I’ve been there, in the darkness, digging out an ever deeper hole for myself with a mighty tool - my thinking. In time, I learned about the waves of life, how to detach from thoughts and how to observe instead of being consumed by them. But not everyone does. Thank you for not being silent - and boy with a voice like yours, how could you be?!? ❤️


Ahhhhh. Like a breath of fresh air your words give respiration for any lost soul! Each of us must stop the mind from looping around on negative thoughts. It takes time to recondition the mind, but well worth it...
May the message reach far and wide and our communities be united, be safer, be more connected and more supportive.
Thanks so much for sharing your heart here.
Blessings to you