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RE: Steemit Open Mic Week 96 | Little Truthful One | @daily-musings Original Song

in #openmic6 years ago

What a beautiful and tragic song!

Depressed people are undoubtedly "caught up" in "a lie," and the line "saying that it's dark when I see sunlight outside" is such a simple and eloquent expression of that lie.

But the song is ultimately desperately sad, as it illustrates how depression alienates allies. The gulf between the narrator and the subject is unbridgeable, since neither can experience "the truth" of the other. :(


Thank you @rodneysreviews for your thoughtful comment.

It's true it is a sad song. One that I hope to write a happier sequel to some day.

It's hard to know what to do or say in these cases, except to be available to them for support and try to pray for love and light to come into their lives. ❤

Do that. Be there. Keep an eye out for any turns for the worse. The truth to share is that this pain will pass. It always does.

And that's the sequel I know you will be writing. Depression lifts, suddenly and unexpectedly. It's just a matter of time. :)