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RE: @Blocktrades + @Openmic: Steem Fest Giveaway - PART 2

in #openmic6 years ago

From all I have known about him I will boldly vouch for him anyway cos he deserves to be at steemfest if not for his relationship with other steemians then for his strive to make it to the top.
@ewuoso is one of the selfless persons I've known through steemit and this hasn't changed through the times. He was someone to look up to when I first joined, he gave me and a group of other newbies at the time words of advice on how to get along. @ewuoss deserves to be at steemfest and it'll amazing to see him get this ticket


I always believe that sharing kwoledge is the key to grow in life. We never can tell where and when we will need help and those people left to help you might be those you helped in the past. I try to do my best though and I am sure if I was a bad person in the past to you, this recommendation wouldn't have been possible.

Thanks bro