I checked out utopian-io, but I don't see how I can contribute. However, I saw it stated that if someone has an idea requiring crowdfunding, you can help. I don't want anything for myself, but I do want to start something that could turn the world upside down.
My idea is only worth something to those who understand just how poisonous our vacinations have become, since the government provided them with immunity from prosecution.
I see two ways for the problem to be tackled. The second is less effective, but maybe cheaper, with less of the Cabal willing to openly fight it
I would like for a number of good medical researchers to be given a lab for them to develop vaccinations that do what they are supposed to do, as it used to be. None of the poisons and heavy metals to be included.
Second idea is, create mini volunteer get-well centres all over the world, for people to take their children for treatment of damage from the vaccinations. It is already being done (using chelation, for instance). This would need to be free or funded by companies that are big enough to afford it, but not big enough to belong to the Cabal running the present vaccination systems (Bill Gates, Soros, etc). These get-well centres can also help children who are going in for vaccinations by providing them with specific diets, vitamins (non-irradiated) etc. It can help reduce the damage by 40% and higher!
I live in South Africa, I am 74 and a state pensioner, so I really cannot do much more to help. If someone has the get-up and go to start either of these ideas, I will cheer them on as loudly as I can.
PS: I hope someone will think this comment is worth responding to, I'm getting tired of fighting to save children and being ignored by their parents, the teachers, the priests and so on.