Intro To Linux - Video Project.

Work has begun on what I intend to be a good solid intro and basic how-to on getting started with Linux. This is aimed at people that are not techies to show them that they do not need to be a techie or geek to use Linux. I'm planning on keeping it in the 6-8 minute range so that I can put in a good amount of info, but not be long and boring.

This is a project I have been wanting to do and have been thinking about for far too long, like many of my ideas. I can't work on my websites right now because I am waiting on domain name transfers that are likely to take another week or more, so this is a great time to get it started. Plus I'm kind of fired up about it after a good amount of interest in my articles a couple of weeks ago.

Today, I'm going to be working on refining the outline and setting up a Blender file and assets as well as starting out with some screen cast parts if I have time.

I'm really happy that I'll be using feedback from my posts on here and on facebeef to answer some good questions and points about Linux. I find it motivating to see a good amount of interest in using Linux. Historically, I see my fellow geeks really passionate about Linux but almost no other interest, and right now, for some reason I don't really understand, there are a bunch of "normies" out there with at least a modicum of interest in this excellent platform.

I will be posting my outline when I get it ready - hopefully later today. Your questions and comments are welcome, of course. I am most interested in what you perceive to be a road block or problem that keeps you from using Linux.


This sounds like a great project to me. Having been a Linux user for over 20 years my opinion may be biased. 😎

If you are digging out Blender for video editing, then a tutorial on that would be helpful to include in your series.

Thanks! Hopefully I can do it justice.

As a Linux user, do you have any thoughts as to what sort of things would keep someone from using Linux?

A Blender tut is a great idea. It can be used as a daily editor. I do have intentions of doing a series about that. I can probably do something useful as I work on this. I'll try to do that. I once was a Linux fanatic, now I'm a Blender fanatic. Not necessarily great at it, but I do think it is the most useful media tool available.

As a Linux user, do you have any thoughts as to what sort of things would keep someone from using Linux?

We are creatures of habit. Yet our habits sometimes change. Games bring young users to a user dumbed down version of windoze that their technically challenged parents had on the hardware in the house.

Growing up on a platform has a power to hold; demonstrated perfectly in any Blackberry owner you may encounter.

WINE has made great inroads in making this less and less of an issue. The primary resistance, at this point, is habit in my opinion.

So we need that kick-ass game that will get Linux installed in their home during their formadable whining year( s). 😎

I am most interested in what you perceive to be a road block or problem that keeps you from using Linux.

I'm highly experienced with Linux and BSD to the extent of setting up and managing web servers for clients and myself. But I still use a Mac as my primary machine.

I've been tempted to change, mostly based on the desire for a wider selection and greater affordability of hardware without the "Apple Tax;"while the build quality of their machines is still very good, they keep adding useless features (the Touch Bar) while removing useful ones (USB-A and HDMI ports on laptops) and constantly trying to make hardware thinner and smaller even when it's desktop hardware. And I still might change some day. But for now, it has all the software I want (save for a few games, but I make do), including all the Linux/OSS-ecosystem stuff as well as all the Mac stuff, and things like my music collection, contacts, calendar, and such integrate well with my iPhone (I sure as heck ain't going to run Google's spyware phone OS and I'd have the same issue with a Windows phone).

Investigated, and it's comment spam. Flagged.