from the impure uncleaned update log
Thethawing, 12Thethawing, 12 : dialog options ... just when you thought rpg maker has it and it does ... dynamic dialog options depending on what already happened before (maybe from another client login) ... an empty vault does not get re-stocked instantly (thats only possible if cashflow is running from !mypocketsonly) ... 'why?' well, cuzz ... after that i should get to the 'cycle' system and leave the whole steemit/goldmanmorgan bit to max one day per week for fluffing and tweaking. so why is that one because im sure its zero.
Thethawing, 11 : assuming most functions and scripts (re-usable , i dont know what the in-crowdsp33k is for that in 2020) are in place using the right checks to function from both and the amounts work, the daily-login-bonus-type works, the npc's in 'the bank' work , the working ones anyway (its not like theres anything to trade yet for 'traders' is there) im still a bit loose on garbage collection .. not really when it comes to javascript, b/c i 'assume' (again) that still on page refresh it happens, however, the thing is 'page does not refresh error in line every line' so to speak and where starting a scene removes one from sight it seems to not to do so to , well, leading me to believe there might be sleeping scenes in memory that shouldnt be there, see there's no objects or classes 'outside' , which is i suppose heresy but i hear globals are too so what is an object or a custom class if not a global .. doesnt matter, what matters is what works, SO i expect everything in the scene to be gone when closed (xept the pre-loader data ofc which HAS to stay across the game) , not that THAT should matter with modern hardware but stilll ... SO ... you can also read at alleycat ... but its a bit more ..'complex me' there HAHAHAHAHAhahahahahah
Thethawing, 9 : interrupted by a day for 'i still dont know why i went there, it almost feels like a state of hypnosis, lol' ... seems i left off at 'allyourfunctionsarebelongto us' moving and renaming
Thethawing, 7 : merging two sites together and all included functions to one folder ... but i dont see to get much done for the past days, something in the way ... good i kept refrence to check so i know which one says no (+1 for ZeroDesign) ... 7am ... even if i wanted to, body says no ... you really stole my future and my life, you have much fucking off to do
Thethawing, 7 : pff, the whole place is colluding again to hold me back cos MASJEN ! (nijger dan een ander voor veel minder en ...) cant log objects to console and then IM the slow one having to write half a page-routine to see what's in it, hm ? have you seen me not care lately, i seriously look like everything's okay, xept for the fact that the nights are invaded, but privacy has never existed here and hell is about repetition, false hope and no way out, no future and no life ... ARE WE ENTERTAINED YET? cos we are not amused, but smiling :) AAALWAYS
Thethawing, 5 : YEA o caps, obviously it wouldnt be as simple as the simple example from w3schools and work just like that the way it actually should ... that time ? that time ... again ... pain? pain, it just wont subside,
and something about an indian wanker who doesnt even get that this about the size of post he can tackle and i havent even bothered moving the delegation out since he zeroed everything because thats how many fucks are given ... the point is not me : the point is this is the filth of steemit and it can hit anyone at anytime and the only solution
is to "have more money" ...
SO ... we did welcome our chinese overlords but it seems nothings gonna change (from official statements) so the joy was short-lived :p
days dawning ... and with it comes the madness
: small stuff and plenty ... loaders and stuff like where the login button cant actually be there before a certain point ... asynchronous shyte, never heard of it before i was onto the web-side bit of tyrnannoght after i dropped the thousands of shellscript lines i had for the interactive posts, but that was spam or something lol .. but now its NFTs .. (thing is, you need to buy a node or pay one of the emperors or you cant play so if pottymouth gets my game blocked from teh cahin after the zero-effect takeover then i guess ... nothing will have changed since that was already so ... nothing much that would show on the front anyway and you know 'shortterm is irrelevant' so ill make sure its finished in 20 years when its time for my pension fund :p HAHAahahahahaaA(they been stressing me out, i dont think they get it, its either funny or they think it gains something im not sure i try not to pay attention but they keep crawling up my ass ... uninvited ... see ? its already showing HERE ...) even after that, cycle-ing with everything that comes with it (that thing that went !explore on the original @tyrnannoght posts ... for instance that was aalll already there including overnight encounters and what not, NPC actions from day to day and tasks weekly and monthly , AAAAAl of that and more needs to move to php in the back, which wont show in the front, so , DONT WAIT UP FOR IT HAAAHAHAHahahahahhah) ... i am living in HELL, no need to tell me to go there