OpHumanAngels~4~ Their Thanks For Operation Human Angels

in #ophumanangels7 years ago (edited)

A beautiful day with them on the streets

I smiled happily.
Today is really a beautiful day. How come? I spent all day trawling the roads at the traffic signs, and also going to the traditional market to the corner of a small alley in search of beggars.

Saya tersenyum bahagia.
Hari ini benar-benar hari yang indah. Bagaimana tidak? seharian penuh saya menyelurusi jalan di rambu lalu lintas,dan juga masuk kepasar tradisional hingga ke sudut gang kecil untuk mencari pengemis.

This I do to realize my friend's desire from Canada as well as curator of ophumanangels tag to petrify those who are in distress.
I think she is a gentle person and has a very good heart

Ini saya lakukan untuk mewujudkan keinginan teman saya dari Kanada sekaligus kurator tag ophumanangels untuk membatu mereka yang sedang kesusahan.
Saya rasa dia seorang yang lemah lembut dan punya hati yang sangat baik

They Say Thank You And Save the Greetings for you @lyndsaybowes

Look at the state of this father, in addition to poor he is also disabled. He has only one hand. But look at the smile on his face today 'full of happiness'.
He said I "whoever gives me money today, may God reward all his good"

Lihatlah keadaan bapak ini, selain miskin dia juga cacat. Dia hanya mempunyai satu tangan, tapi lihatlah senyuman di wajahnya hari ini 'penuh dengan kebahagiaan'.
Dia berkata saya " Siapapun yang memberikan saya uang hari ini, semoga Tuhan membalas semua kebaikannya"


Do not laugh at my picture with my eyes closed when in portrait


I whispered in her ear. "Mom, today I bring sustenance for mothers, this deposit from my friends who are abroad, do you want to accept it"?
This mother replied "of course son, I really need it, so I am in this traffic sign to ask for a little donation from a generous person who pass this way. What is your friend's name and he is from where" ??
I answered "she name is Lyndsay Bowes, and she is from Canada".

Saya berbisik di telinga ibu ini. "Bu, hari ini saya membawa rezeki untuk ibu, ini titipan dari teman saya yang ada di luar negri, apakah ibu mau menerimanya"?
Ibu ini menjawab " tentu saja nak, saya sangat membutuhkannya, makanya saya berada di rambu lalu lintas ini untuk meminta sedikit sumbangan dari orang yang dermawan yang melewati jalan ini. Siapa nama temanmu itu dan dia bersal dari mana" ??
Saya jawab " Namanya Lyndsay Bowes, dan dia berasal dari Kanada".


This father is disabled and can not see, he is blind. But i love to see a smile on his face :)



There is no story about this photo. I just gave he, then took he for a photo together, and people laughed at me because I was photographed with a crazy person.
No problem, I also laugh and enjoy all this :)

Tidak ada cerita tentang foto ini. Saya hanya memberi lalu mengajaknya untuk foto bersama, dan orang-orang mentertawakan saya karena saya berfoto dengan orang gila.
Tidak masalah, saya juga tertawa dan menikmati semua ini :)

This is my grandmother, she is a poor person. Look at the house behind us, it's a house still made of rumbia trees and damaged wood

Ini adalah nenek saya, dia termasuk orang miskin. Lihatlah rumah yang ada di belakang kami, itu rumahnya yang masih terbuat dari pohon rumbia dan kayu yang sudah rusak





Still remember with this one grandmother?



She is Po Busah. she was one of the grandmothers who suffered from mental disorders, I once posted a picture of this grandmother two days ago.
Today I searched for her along the way he used to go and finally I found her to hand over some money from my friend in Canada

Ini adalah Po Busah. Dia salah seorang nenek yang menderita gangguan jiwa, saya pernah memposting foto nenek ini dua hari yang lalu. Hari ini saya mencarinya di sepanjang jalan yang biasa dia lalui dan akhirnya saya menemukan dia untuk menyerahkan sedikit uang dari teman saya di Kanada

This is it


Withdraw money from ATM


buy them rice and give them money


Thanks ophumanangels.
This is very valuable to us.
Greetings to @lyndsaybowes from Aceh, Indonesia.

Three messages on paper for today


Help each other

Give each other


Be patient when faced with problems

I hope my post is useful for all of us as a boost for the spirit to do good.

I apologize if there are any shortcomings.

Thanks also to A friend of mine who is in Wales, Lampeter.

For my friends from STEEMIT, wherever you are 'I love you guys ..
I say many thanks to you guys ..
Keep guiding me and fix if I make a mistake. My distant relative from Algeria, for the person who first introduced steemit to me .. @ridhasteem

from Aceh, Indonesiaregards @lidiasteem


you really touches my heart @lidiasteem I wish I have more to help. all I can do is my modest upvote and support. you are An Angel dear. your gifts are priceless really. even there are misppeling, but smiles can telll more than words a lot alot dear sister. God bless all poor people everywhere.

you made me proud to know someone like you and am happy we see happiness on their faces. thats greaaaaaaaat. and even don' thave enought words to describe what you have done. God bless you and alll steemit actions.

thank you brother .. your support is very valuable to me dear, i am happy if i can do like this, and i will always try to help them according to my ability.
yesterday a friend from Canada sent me some steam, and I am old and the money from that result I use to buy rice and I donate to the poor

a very noble heart and help each other with sincere feelings, I salute you, I really like what you do because you do sincerely. your heart is very noble @lidiasteem. just like @lyndsaybowes who share with all friends steemit may you succeed always.

Thank you ...
I'm happy to do this, I hope you can do the same
Anda benar teman,, kita perlu mendukung satu sama lain dalam kebaikan.

Thank you friend. this is done with pleasure you can also like me, keep doing good :)

It is truly an extraordinary struggle to help people with physical and poverty limitations, I am deeply moved to see that you help them, and also make them smile, By building mutual help attitude, any hard work will be resolved. In addition, the role of help is also very important in helping the establishment of Islamic syiar and realize amar ma'ruf nahi munkar. And most importantly, please help will further strengthen the ropes of brotherhood and bring a sense of affection among human beings.

When you are in a position to help someone, be happy! because Allah SWT answered the person's prayer through you #preference_from_my_to_your

Thank you which you say is very true☺☺

Wow! You are truly a human angel.

haha... thank you @doctorcrypto :)

Bereh @lidiasteem .. incredible, indeed your spirit is not able to beat . :) :) Hahaha

cit payah meunan bak tamita SBD.. hahaha

Hahahahaha.. 😁😁😁 bereh , man roneuh nah han ek takoh can 😝😝🤑

💜💜💜💜💜💜hahaha, harus meunan @lidiasteem tpi postingan droneuh kop bereh, dapat menyentuh hate gob , lanjutkan @lidiasteem

Hana meunan cit hai
... bek hana sagai nah... wkwk

Ommah. Nyoe cukop brat bereh. Loen sering loen ikuti tapi hana sempat lon praktek lom.
Sukses keudroen neuh @lidiasteem.

Haha... kali laen akan sukses keudroneh 😁

Nice work @lidiasteem. How could i join you ti share this goodness. Im from Atjeh to.

do some good goodness for others, make a post and use ophumanangels tag

Lakukanlah beberapa kebaikan yang bermanfaat untuk orang lain, buat postingan dan gunakan tag ophumanangels. :)

Apa bisa kebaikannya tentang pendidikan ?

Thank you so much my Sister. You keep your word, and I trust you so much. I have tears of happiness in my eyes, you helped these mothers, grandmothers, and grandfathers so much. I look forward to doing this again and again.

Thank you for taking the Lead. Thank you for working to help others have a better day.

With pleasure my sist. I am proud and I am very grateful that you have been willing to help the people of Aceh. This is really useful for them

@lidiasteem very noble heart, you have chosen the right person

Yes, it is true

Lol, if you need guidance contact me, maybe i can help

Of crs.. I will contact you via discord

Bereh that program droneuh. Sangat lon dukung dan lon doakan beu sukses selalu. Lon katreb ka na program lagnyan.man galom neu izin oleh Allah.bahkan lon meunazar beuna. Kalo bisa lon nak lakee ilme lgsung bak droneuh.? Hehe.Assalamualaikum ukhty @lidiasteem Nyoe lon comen ngen aceh bek ramee yg teupeu.hehe

Ohya salam kenal lon bak dayah Abu Tumin Blang Blahdeh.
Kalo boleh tw. Ukhty dayah teh ?
Dan kalo boleh saya chat ya.

Ohya dukung pengajian kami setiap minggu 6 X . Visit :Ttd @rijalaronaceh .


Wa'alaikumsalam..Seberjih long hanya long bantu kurator sagai, untuk berbagi dengan rakyak miskin yang na di Aceh.
Droneh jet sit neulakukan lage long di daerah droneh.
Hana ilme bak long tgk. Neu buka blog long ata 7 uroe yg lalu, disinan na lon jelaskan bacut ngen bahasa indo.
Mudah2an mengerti.

Wah..awai that suboh..pasti jamaah..
Oke akan lon coba. Oh ya. Han pah neu bagi ilme di comentar. Tlg WA lon di no +6285362473416
Atau fil my fb :


Wow!!!!!!! You are truly a human angel.

Jroh, semoga beu meulanjut sabee

a very interesting story
You are nice
really sincerely willing to help others
I am proud of you

Thank you :)

Semoga pu yg droeneuh pubut meurumpok berkah dari Allah SWT,smga droeneuh baru sehat sabe dan semangat sabe kak, @lidiasteem dan neu kunjungi kak sige2 blog lon, hehehe

Amin... terima kasih dek :)

Mantap kak hehehe, semoga terus sukses di steemit ya...
Doa kan aku juga hehehe :)

Amin... get dek :)

Very good......... don't forget the cooperation

of csr...

Ok.......saling membantu

Mantap postingan nya...
@lidiasteem tolong bantu kami berkembang di steemit... Kritikan dan masukan nya sangat saya butuh kan @tgkakmal

get dek... akan ta bantu..
nyoe discord lon @lidiasteem#0285

Hana paham cara edd dron...
Ata lon teuku akmal #2524

incredible I am very takju its seen may the good and sincerity of your heart in reply by Allah swt amin, amen

Terima kasih @abdurrahman7 semoga ini menambah semangat kita dalam membantu orang lain..

How stinking awesome is this!!!! Love it!

Thank you sist,,, :) nice to meet you

Nice to meet you! :-)

Allah bless you sister..

Allah bless you too dear :)

Semangat kak,jazakallah khairujjazak

شكرا يا أخي

Are you siti maulidia?

postingan yang sangat bagus lidiasteem
saya boleh minta sosmed y lain nggk,ada banyak hal y ingin saya tanyakan

Anda bisa menghubungi saya lewat discord pak.

boleh tau nama discord anda??

Postingan yang sangat bagus @Lidiasteem, saya ingin mengikutimu, tolong ajari saya. Salam kenal dari saya @adzra

Terima kasih.. apa yg bisa saya ajari, saya juga pemula di steemit.

Such fantastic work.. I already know @lyndsaybowes is proud of you... so am I... it's good to see grandmother again.. spread the love ❤

Hi @davedickeyyall ...Sorry I just got back to your comments, thanks dear, I am very happy if you like what I do .. I am also very happy to help those in need ,, ophumanangels is okay.. 😊

Ini adalah tindakan yang patut di bangga kan, hidup berbaur dengan tidak lupa pada yang di bawah, semoga terus berlangsung dan tetap semangat dalam hal yang benar

Terima kasih. Tapi yang saya lakukan ini bukan untuk di banggakan.
Saya hanya menyampaikan amanah orang.

Saya sangat tertarik dengan postingan dari @lidiasteem walaupun saya hanya sebatas baru pemula di steemit ini

Terima kasih,, anda bisa belajar dari postingan saya jika anda tertarik 😁

bagus sekali postingannya sangat menyentuh, saya sebagai orang aceh sangat kagum

Terima kasih... ☺

Perbuatan yg mulia.. mantap cut kak, jroeh that-that....

Alhamdulillah menyoe jroeh

Anda mau melakukan hal-hal ituSungguh mulia hatimu @lidiasteem

Jadi @lyndsaybowes yang melakukan hal itu ya @lidiasteem

jangan posting link blog anda di komentar

Hai lidia...mantab,semoga makin berkah.salam steemit dari balianassar

Amiin... terima kasih,, salam kembali😊

Terima kasih kk

Assalamualaikum lidyasteem,bagaimana keadaanya hari ini? Mudah mudahan sehat selalu dalam lindungan allah swt,dan selalu dalam sukses...Salam steemit

Very interesting story. I love your work. You are a true angle. Allah bless you. Thank you so much for doing great works. Thank you for sharing this great post.