Bitcoin vs Ethereum. Is Bit Overrated If Comparing Ethereum With Bitcoin?

in #opinion9 years ago

Will Ethereum face the same fate as what Bitcoin are facing at the moment? What is so striking difference from Ethereum and Bitcoin? 

Ethereum price increases were so phenomenal couple of weeks ago led to speculation about the Ethereum coin change into a killer Bitcoin. Improved Ether prices and a surge in volume of trade has led to a clear comparison between both the digital currency.

Now, we 'll begin to compare the two platforms.

Bitcoin and Ethereum

Bitcoin is a digital currency that was originally created as an alternative to the financial system. On the other hand, Ethereum also made ​​as blockchain 2.0 platform which can be used to create and run applications or smart smart contract through blockchain contract. Platform Bitcoin has called bitcoin crypto tokens, as well as the ether has a crypto token and used on the platform Ethereum.


Bitcoin is built on cryptographic algorithms SHA proof of work using an algorithm that depends on the amount of processing power that is issued by miners to find and decrypt the new block. It has been easier for the miners to choose the PC, certain GPU to create applications Electronic Integrated Circuit circuit. The use of high-performance mining equipment which has caused increasing difficulties of mining/mining difficulty, and requires miners to renew and leave the PC long. Platform Ethereum appeared with his own version of the proof of work algorithm called with Ethash. Ethash designed to deny the use of ASIC by ASIC requires miners for memory enhancement. While the miner currently available on the market are not compatible with Ethash, may soon miner with Ethash system will soon appear (thanks to the falling price of computer hardware). However, none of that will forever benefit the Ether platform, they also already have plans to move to Casper - A proof of stake algorithms on an upcoming release, Serenity.

Proof of stake algorithm will be resistant to ASIC for miner/mining tools could mine only a certain portion of the block, depending on the percentage of their own cryptocoins.


There are some predictions will appear with the claim by some well-known figures in the industry cryptocurrency that Ethereum will start facing problems similar to Bitcoin scalability. However, worries and speculation has been rebuffed by Vitalik Coinbase Buterin in an event recently where he presented the roadmap development of future projects.

Roadmap which he designed has a section explaining how Ethereum will address issues of scalability, security and performance by incorporating certain changes in technology into an upcoming release.

Comparing Ethereum with Bitcoin is a little bit exaggerated, but we can take some important information on the differences found on both platforms.