On Platforms and Tech After Adpocalypse 3 a.k.a "They Did It, They Finally Did It."

in #opinion6 years ago

This is an off the cuff opinion, a reaction to the fresh events surrounding You-Tube's "Adpocalypse 3." As such I make no claims of accuracy past an attempt to honestly transcribe my current thoughts.

Thanks Maza, you smug little worm!

Seeing as most channels to be hit have undeniably been at least to some degree right wing I somewhat optimistically see this as an opportunity for online right wing/free speech culture to develop itself in a sort of parallel yet detached "supply line" (for lack of better term) to the mainstream left-tech machine. "The machine" as such (please grant me lenience because this is rough) consists of allied silicon valley technocrats, media conglomerates and the Left's absolute willingness to abandon anti-Capitalist values to spite perceived reactionaries and anything that sniffs as right-wing to their sensitive noses. The liberty minded right must at this point take full advantage of their ever tightening grasp to slip free. Find and support platforms willing to stand behind the right of individuals to express themselves with as complete freedom as possible, explicitly. Politically explicit places cannot grow into pillars the same way explicitly principled platforms can. This distinction being that in holding explicit rights in a space, many communities holding those rights in common may grow while explicitly political spaces spiral inwards. Ones which may have an ideological core that is right-wing, or at least not ultimately informed by leftism are a start. Buggy is fine for now, these platforms are possible future greats, not current giants. Creators, Stay on YouTube/Twitter purely for the sake of audience building, do this while setting infrastructure on other platforms and forming self sustained forms of main monetization. This will be key. Slowly communities and networks can form and encourage early migration to alt-tech platforms. I estimate at least five years where these will be slow, but there is hope for development of an ideas community outside of the artificial Overton maintained by Alphabet Inc. old media and their sour little lap-dogs.