Hey fighterone, Thank you for your response. Sadly bigoted Muslims are here. Even many modest Muslims have a hard time with simple subjects such as homosexuality. It's not as if homosexuality doesn't exist in Muslim territory. It's the same with alcohol. I know Muslims that drink alcohol. But the strict and annoying ones are in denial. So the recipe is simple: If you don't follow the rules do so in secret or face penalty. So darn secretive.
That's one of the reasons why this denial about terrorism having nothing to do with Islam exists. We're just looking away. Nothing to see here people!
As for refugees fleeing from war, same cup of tea. Issues are swept under the carpet. Most issues. I am not saying their all bad. I've met plenty of great modern cool people. There are so people that want to reform Islam into something that can actually work in a secular society. Meanwhile it seems we're just reforming democracy into a sad pile of poop.