Last night I bought someone from Winnipeg I know a steemit account. When I met this person they were wandering around the millenium library and seemed to have little purpose in their life. I did an interview about Child and Family Services as this person grew up in care. He told me about his life in care and how he spent time in B&L youth services. He was homeless when I met him and still is today.
He really liked what I was doing and I told him he should make a steemit account and write about homelessness as well as corruption in Winnipeg. He is the one who told me about a guy who wears bike pants that tries to solicit sex from young men at the library. One time he told me about a potential sex offender from the states that was maybe still wanted for rape with a weapon. As luck would have it we were staking out "bike pants" at the library one time. "Bike pants kept circling us and had cash in his hand when we suddenly seen Ortiz (the man wanted for rape with a weapon) and we abandoned the mission on bike pants. I stayed on Ortiz while this person went to contact authorities. This person has never called the police before and it was the first time he ever tried to get justice with law enforcement. I stayed on Ortiz for 45 minutes as this person stayed in the lobby waiting to see if Ortiz would leave the library and to help the security guard understand the situation. A security guard came to the 4th floor to confirm the ID of Ortiz. After 45 minutes Ortiz went down the elevator getting off on the second floor. I lost sight for a few minutes but seen Ortiz back in the elevator going down to the first floor. I kept in contact with this person and told him that Ortiz was heading for the lobby. The police pulled Ortiz aside and questioned him but let him go. We had a crowd of people in the lobby and everyone was like "what the fuck" after the police let Ortiz go.
"Bike pants" has been in fear ever since and after a few more times of seeing us at the library he stopped coming to library. Many poor young males use the library for internet. Some have strong addictions that cause them to be prey for people like "bike pants" yet with a bit of steem dollars and even more action we have managed to steer one pervert clear of the library.
His steemit name is @thewinnipegpost send him some upvotes if you like what he is doing.
I hope to buy others a steemit and empower others as we work to expose corruption and work on social issues in Winnipeg.
yup big let down that day, but they are aware of us and what we are doing. the days of exploiting youth in winnipeg with impunity is coming to an end!
excellent contribution friend I liked a lot continuous so greetings