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RE: S for starkerz, O for oracle-d, A for awesome freaking dream

in #oracle-d6 years ago (edited)

Wow, agbona chill, for votes? I would never do that.

Im a pro member of oracle-d in the first place.

If you dont know me, please know that I give proper props and respect whenever possible.

Heck i did research on BEAM, agricblok and all you've been doing before putting up this post and I've been a silent supporter of your work in nigeria since the very first pizza stuff you did, that I saw, that had Fisteganos in it and I was gonna make a follow up post about you!

Heck I dropped a link to one of your old post there as well, I never claimed the image was mine, maybe I should put that disclaimer as well, apologies for that.

I also never claimed to have attended the event as you see from my comment

he gave it through a Skype call and from the reports I got, it was quite interesting

Its just funny really, ill take your pic down, I had no less than 3 of my community members grace this event of yours, just cause we have never spoken directly doesn't mean I dont know you or your work.


Duly noted.

I appreciate your response, and I hope we can put this little situation behind us.
