The best organic tea comes from Sri Lanka-STASSEN TEA-

in #organic7 years ago

Stassen tea

Lately, it's fashionable to eat organic food, and therefore, everything that comes into our body is as organic as possible.So I'm trying to follow this style.Since I like to drink tea, although I am not an Englishman, I decided that this product to be organic.And in my opinion, the best organic teas are offered by a company from Sri Lanka. And I'll tell you which teas I like most from a large assortment of Stassen tea.I picked five types of teas that I like. All tea offers can be found on this site

1.Vanilla Rooibos-Herbal infusion

A sweet, inviting vanilla flavor, this black African bush's tea is soothing and sweet. The soft nuts and sweet taste of roibos are perfectly blended with the vanilla scent. No caffeine rich in antioxidants, also known as red tea.

Its exceptional healing properties rooibos tea has due to the presence of very rare antioxidants: notofangin and aspalatin.

Red African shrub abounds in minerals such as iron, calcium, copper, potassium, manganese, magnesium, zinc and fluorine.

Exceptional for immunity without caffeine, it's a real substitute for many popular energy drinks.

Red tea rooibos stands side by side with green tea for its effectiveness. As well as antimutogenic properties, this beneficial tea prevents damage to our cells and their mutations, which can cause even the most severe diseases.

It is excellent for the treatment of allergies, especially in food allergy, asthma, skin rash and eczema, and allergy to pollen. It is also recommended to lower blood fat, triglyceride, control hypoglycemia, and is recommended as tea for diabetics.

Rooibos tea strengthens the immunity, an excellent supplementary therapy in the fight against viruses and bacteria, especially with the arrival of autumn and cold weather, when they are getting flu and seasonal colds.

Successfully removes nervousness and relieves patients from accumulated stress.

African shrub also slows down skin aging ...

People suffering from diabetes certainly need to drink rooibos tea because they contain a rare antioxidant -spalatin that will help absorb glucose, eliminate isnulins, and reduce insulin resistance. One word keeps diabetes under control and will not allow sudden jumps and falls in blood sugar.

A 2011 study showed that the Red African shrub reduces the dangers and risks of heart disease and the most severe diseases due to numerous polyphenols.

Tea from rooibos has a beneficial effect on the brain and slows down the development of old dementia known as Alzheimer's disease.

Increases concentration, attention, and cognitive abilities.

2.Pineapple-Ceylon tea

Ceylon black tea with pineapple flavor, aromatic with natural aroma of pineapple, powerful flavor and aroma. The high content of vitamin C from the fruit of pineapple gives an added advantage to this tea, in addition to its antioxidant properties. Rich in potassium. It is also great as ice tea in summer months.

3.In third place I would put three tea that are equally good. They are Strawberry, Mango, and Orange.

The price of these teas is not cheap, but knowing that they are proven quality and that the teas are organic, the price is quite correct. A cana is around US $ 4

Enjoy your tea