1 -Round-up (R.U.)
2 - PHYTIC ACID (nutrient uptake inhibitors) foods.
3 - Farming practices (poor soil management)
1 - "round-up"
- at extremely low concentrations:
- KILLS your gut bacteria which are extremely important in PRODUCING and absorbing nutrients/vitamins. The action targets only good bacteria which contain a certain metabolic pathway that is blocked.
- carcinogenic (leads to cancer)
- mimics glycine (amino acid) & incidentally bioaccumulates in bone and cartilage - in humans and ANIMALS.
-------- Where found ---------
- MOST GMO crops (GMO & round-up go hand in hand)
Main GMO crops: Corn, soy, cotton, sugar, coffee. - Farm animals fed GMO feed (corn/soy/grass contaminated with round-up) will have round-up accumulated which you will also consume. Highest concentration found in gelatin.
- Non-GMO crops: (R.U. used to dessicate/harvest)
Sugar, wheat etc - Vaccines: probably contaminated in their use of gelatin. This is probably the most dangerous vector - round-up being a synergistic poison already is added to other synergistic toxins to make a lethal cocktail.
- Parks/gardens/grass: Watch out for dead areas of grass etc.
- Phytic acid: (seeds/nuts or animals fed seeds/nuts)
- naturally occurring proteins in most plant seeds/nuts.
- meant to prevent seeds from germinating until right conditions are present.
How to work around:
- ferment, sprout,apple cider vinegar, soak
- Farming practices (poor soil management)
- non-organic/industrialised farming
- synthetic fertilisers
- intensive farming/overuse of fields
- taking and not giving back: cutting corners
AND OF COURSE - GMO/Roundup usage -
R.U. decimating soil microbes that are critical to plant nutrient uptake and root ball density.
AVOID wheat - UNLESS ORGANIC & & & sourdough, ancient grain ie spelt etc (not soft white modern)
eat ORGANIC/Homegrown
AVOID round-up/GMO
soak/sprout your nuts
ferment ferment ferment!
-- ACV(apple cider vinegar a few times a day)
-- milk kefir
-- sauerkraut
-- sourdough