Highest Joy Saturday

in #orgonite5 years ago (edited)

@bearone orgonites

SQUEEEE!!!! OMG you guys! It's been so long since I last made orgonites I forgot how happy and excited they make me.

So this was me yesterday 🥰 At 8am no less thanks to Bubba waking up at 6am.

work work work work work

Hubby looked after her for a few hours while I spent my me time neck deep in resin, crystals and swarf.

It's was a different experience to what I'm used to. In the past I would pump music up and just spend the day pouring but this time around I knew I had limited time before bubba would be looking for me. On the other hand it was also kinda sweet hearing Hubby and bub play together.

Thankfully I was done and dusted in time for her next nap/feed and by the time she woke up everything had cured and ready for demolding.

the gang

I'm really rusty so it wasn't the smoothest or the best pour I've ever done but I'm pretty happy with them.

The tetrahedron has been snapped up already and it's not even done yet :)

Here's the gang close up.

rose quartz pyramid

fluorite tetrahedron

heart chakra lotus

abundance lotus

Last but not the least, The Hive.

garnet hive

Unfortunately they all need a bit more work done. A second coat of resin for the pyramids and hive. Followed by sanding and polishing. The lotus are the easiest ones, only needing sanding for the rough edges on the bottom.

The turn around for these will be longer than usual since I can only work on them on weekends but at least I'm back!

Watch this space for a exclusive giveaway! I'm waiting on a mold to arrive. As soon as I saw it I thought of you guys straight away. 🐝🐝

Til next time!



Some of these images won't load fully for me (they start and then decide they're done when they're really not XD) but the ones that did look pretty good despite you being allegedly rusty. How's working on a time limit XD though it sounds like you had your timing perfect that time ;D

Yeh I'm having loading issues too! Not sure what's going on there :( but if you're using peakd and have the image scroll function enabled you can scroll across on my main page.

Time limit sucks but if you add more hardener to the resin it cures faster, it just means gotta be careful not to over cook the whole piece otherwise it starts smoking and cracking which is what happened to the hive one.

Most of the time its fixable sometimes it's not luckily these ones are.

Lovely peaces. They somehow give you energy.
Have a nice day.

Hi :) Thanks for stopping by! So glad you picked up on the energy. That's what they're meant to do :)