Proposal on the HK-JP-SG experimental cross-community cultural challenge – An Oriental Hub debut 初登場 - Oriental Hub首個活動,香港日本新加坡三地跨社區實驗性文化挑戰計劃書

in #orientalhub7 years ago (edited)

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@yo-yo reflected on a post of @yoshiko worried about the declining number of active steemit active users in the Japanese community. One of the concerns @yoshiko had is some Japanese users have found a lack of financial encouragement despite their contribution of quality content.

reply@jrvacation, in a to @yo-yo was enthusiastic about taking part in a cross-community collaboration project to grow the Singaporean community.

We in Hong Kong have been facing the same confrontation; user retention has been a problem, not to mention user growth.

Learning from how @sndbox and @ocd motivate users and connect people together, the Hong Kong community is proposing a cross-community collaboration experiment in hopes of giving a helping hand to fellow communities and build rapport.

Each contestant will choose a cultural topic out of the participating communities (actual experiences around travel, food, society, or own thinking through reading books or watching documentaries. It can be almost everything but no disrespectful content showing no respect to the communities and their residents) and write about it at its best. If a contestant is from Hong Kong, the contestant cannot write about the local culture but either the Japanese or Singaporean culture. Same applies to the Japanese and Singaporean communities.

Content must be original or with proper references. English must be the first language (grammar is not a concern, friendship goes beyond languages) and contestant may write in Chinese or Japanese as second language alongside English. Failing to these criteria will not be considered as an entry.


Short-term –

  1. By giving upvotes and prizes, the experimental project hopes to motivate users from these communities and increase the momentum of producing quality content.
  2. The experimental project hopes to send a message that steemit users are not individual islands; if one community is needing help, another community can help.

Long-term -

  1. The experimental project hopes that participating users can follow each other and might give support of different kinds among themselves.
  2. The experimental project may become a role model on which other communities may draw to host similar cross-community events

Seeking resources

  1. Voting power from significant steemit users, willing to upvote each participating post (ideally each post can organically yield 3-7 USD, but maybe less if too many contestants. This is just the most ideal case). Contest upvoters are at their total discretion if they want to upvote at all and how much they want to upvote for each post.
  2. @aaronli, @htliao, @honoru, @prch, @orientalhub will upvote each participating post.
  3. @travelgirl is positive about being one of the upvoters.
  4. @jrvacation has promised to be an upvoter.
  5. @catwomanteresa is also positive about being one of the upvoters.
  6. (Update as of 1:40pm, 23/Apr) @Livinguktaiwan is now one of the upvoters.
  7. Potential upvoters:

    6.1. some Japanese community leaders (@prch is in contact with them to discuss this) (Update as of 1:40pm, 23/Apr: @rt395 is interested too), 6.2 @gtg, the witness responded to the Japanese community the other day that some help from the witness would be rendered to the community, the witness maybe interested in this as a potential upvoter, 6.3. @anomadsoul, one of the @ocd and @sndbox core members. He is always willing to help planktons, he maybe interested in this as a potential upvoter, 6.4. @teamsteem, one of the witnesses who has a vast amount of a sense of duty and altruism, he might be interested in this as a potential upvoter, 6.5. @sjennon, a kind-hearted lady willing to give help to planktons, she may be interested in this as a potential upvoter, 6.6. @deanliu, one of the influential figures in the Chinese community. He may be interested in this as a potential upvoter
  8. @prch is in the process of pitching this cultural challenge to the persons mentioned in 4 and seek upvote support from them, @aaronli, @htliao and @honoru will help @prch with the persuasion
  9. SBD prizes for first three winners in each participating community (ideally 3 SBDs for 1st winner and 2SBD for 2nd runner-up and 1SBD for 3rd runner-up). So, we will have 9 winners in total (3 from the HK community, 3 from the Japanese community and 3 from the Singaporean community. Each community must sponsor own winners.

    8.1 @prch will contribute 6 SBDs as rewards for winners from the HK community to this contest. 8.2 @jrvacation will contribute 6 SBDs as rewards for winners from the SG community to this contest. 8.3 The Japanese community must contribute 6 SBDs as rewards for winners from the SG community to this contest. @sho-t, please discuss this with your community and reach a solution.
  10. Judges to access writing content (consistency, attractiveness of text and pictures, and originality)


  1. Each community will have two judges for the challenge. All judges cannot partake in the contest as contestants.
    1.1 HK
  • @prch will be one of the judges, but will not partake in the contest as a contestant.

  • 1.2 Singapore@travelgirl has promised to be one of the guest judges, but will not partake in the contest as a contestant.

  • 1.3 Japan@jrvacation, please name two judges from your side and they must not partake in the contest as contestants.
  • We need two judges from the Japanese community. @sho-t, please discuss this with your community and reach a solution. @jrvacation, perhaps, you may discuss with @sho-t who in the Japanese community are willing to do this.

Steps to start the challenge

  • Announce the challenge by reputable users in those communities and resteem it to spread the word (Japanese translation is needed and this can be done by the Japanese community themselves)
  • Participation is limited to the HK, SG, and JP communities at this experimental stage to test the water and feasibility.
  • Give 7 days for contestants to work on their posts after the challenge announcement
  • Start a new tag #hkjpsg and each entry must be tagged to this
  • Contestants must use the #hkjpsg tag to make their posts visible
  • All contestants are advised to randomly upvote and comment on at least a content post by a fellow contestant. This hopes to build a social network among the contestants and give support to each other. Contestants search with the tag #hkjpsg and find who have participated too. Leave at least one comment, soicalise and have fun!
  • Contest upvoters search with the tag #hkjpsg, find who have participated, and upvote participating post(s) at discretion (adopted from the upvote mechanism of @sndbox challenges)
  • Judges evaluate each entry and announce winning pieces
  • The debut ends

中文版本 (如中、英文版本有任何扺觸或歧異,概以英文版本為準。)


在一次機會下,日本用戶@yo-yo以另一位日本用戶@yoshiko的文章,向我們反映她對日本活躍用戶數字減少的擔憂。@yoshiko 其中一個最大的顧慮,就是日本用戶就算付出了優秀的文章,卻得不到upvote及payout上的鼓勵。

新加坡用戶 @jrvacation知道這事件後,在給@yo-yo的一個留言中,提出不如舉辦一些誇社區的活動,同時增進各地的社區發展。

而我們香港,其實也在面臨同一問題,不要說增長了,保留現有用戶都已經是一大挑戰。故在吸收及學習 @sndbox@ocd 於建立社區、鼓勵及連結用戶的經驗下,我們現決定提出一個跨社區的合作活動,希望能幫助各個社區建立融和。





  1. 此實驗活動希望透過點贊及獎勵,推動與激勵三個社區的用戶,繼續為社區提供優質的文章。
  2. 以此實驗計劃為榜樣,讓Steemit的用戶及社區知道我們並不是孤立的,當有需要的時候,每個社區都是互助互愛。


  1. 讓參加者能更多的關注、留意及支持不同社區的用戶。
  2. 以此計劃成為一個參考,鼓勵更多社區舉辦不同有意義的跨社區合作活動。


  1. 為了計劃能成功達成,我們需要Steemit的出色用戶的支持,點贊參加者的文章。在理想情況下,每篇文章可達到 US $3 – US $7的收益,不過這需要視乎參加者的數量,實際情況未必這麼理想。在點贊上,點贊者擁有完全自主權,他們可自行選擇所有的參加者,或只是部份的,沒有限制。
  2. @aaronli, @htliao, @honoru, @prch, @orientalhub 將點贊每一位參加者的文章。
  3. @travelgirl 現時有意成為點贊者之一。
  4. @irvacation 已答應成為點贊者。
  5. @catwomanteresa對成為點贊者一事表示正面。
  6. @livinguktaiwan已答應成為點贊者。
  7. 潛在點贊者
    a. 部份日本社區帶領者,我們將會聯絡他們討論。

    b. @gtg:這位見證人之前曾回應日本社區,表示對日本社區提協助的可能性,我們認為他會是潛在的點贊者之一。 c. @anomadsoul:這一次@ocd@sndbox的核心成員經常願意幫助其他用戶,我們相信他有可能願意成為點贊者之一。 d. @teamsteem:亦是其中一個見證一,擁有強烈的責任感及無私心態,他或會對成為點贊者感興趣。 e. @sjennon:一位友善的女士,常常幫助其他小戶,希望她會對成為點贊者感興趣。 f. @deanliu:華人社區極具影響力的人物,他亦可能對項目感到興趣。
  8. @prch 正在向以上人士提出對這項文化挑戰的支持,@aaronli, @htliao, @honoru同時正協助@prch進行聯絡工作。
  9. 每一個參與社區都會分冠亞季三個獎項,理想的情況是冠軍3 SBD,亞軍2 SBD,季軍1 SBD,所以我們將有9個獎項,香港、日本及新加坡各3個。每一個社區都需要贊助自己的社區。

    a. @prch 將貢獻6 SBD作為香港地區的獎勵。 b. @jrvacation 將貢獻6 SBD,作為新加坡地區的獎勵。 c. 在同樣的情況,日本社區亦將貢獻6 SBD以作日本社區的獎勵,@sho-t現正與日本社區成員進行商討。
  10. 邀請評判評審文章,評審準則包括文章的合理性,文字及圖片的吸引性,及原創性等。


  1. 每個社區都會提供兩名評判,所有評判都不會參加活動以示公正。

a. 香港

  • @prch將會是其中一名評判,並不會以參加者身份加入比賽

  • b. 新加坡@travelgirl 已答應成為評判,並不會以參加者身份加入比賽

  • c. 日本@jrvacation將更新新加坡地區的評判資料,他們同時亦不會以參加者身份加入比賽
  • 我們同樣需要兩名日本評判,@sho-t將給予我們答覆,或者@jrvacation可以給予協助。


  • 由社區具信譽的用戶宣佈活動開始及resteem文章。
  • 由於活動屬實驗性質,故參加者暫只限於香港、新加坡及日本地區。
  • 參加者將有7天時間準備參賽文章。
  • 活動將以 #hkjpsg 為參賽文章的 hashtag
  • 為了讓大家發現到文章,所有參加著需使用 #hkjpsg 為其中一個tag
  • 我們鼓勵參加者點贊至少一名其他參加者的文章及留言,希望能夠鼓勵參加者之間能互相支持,建立社交關係。
  • 點贊者將以 #hkjpsg tag進行搜尋,自主地發掘優秀文章並點贊。
  • 評判檢視每篇文章宣佈結果。
  • 活動結束。

Great work guys!

Again, you came to my rescue at the right time and Saved the day.

I never have an intention to be culture, community or gender biased. my carelessness.....sighing.

If you need me in the future and that’s what I can do, let me know. I owe you one.

no big deal, Monday mornings are always a chaotic time.

Really good initiative! I am certain the 3 way partnership will help bring all 3 communities to the next level.

glad to have you be one of the judges.


Your support is priceless.

Great work!

Your help is priceless.


因為今次是實驗性質, 人力資源有限. 所以有限制. 請原諒.

經過今次試驗後, 將來活動會讓更多朋友開心. 感謝支持.

If you do not stop, your account will be rendered invisible on Steemit. Bad Steemian! Bad!@steem881 you're on the @abusereports naughty list!