Patience is a Virtue!

in #original-comic8 years ago

If anyone thought I posted my 9 year plan for fun, think again. Sell your timber if you want to, I´ll wait for the fruits to yield, and yield again and again.

Vote for my witness @fyrst-witness on the Witness-Page & join me on voice, chat, discord

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It may interest you to read on my unique approached to offgrid energy, I published my prototype for a true lighting approach non-wind non-solar way. With this 9 year post of yours, even a minnow like me who have something to give here can be good for you overall.

You said you are a businessman, and businessmen can smell good opportunities. I am trying my luck, firstly for me, and then to your business empire. As I always say, I can take crumbs, if the whole pie is in the billions why not. Just try to see it man, I post daily.


You can have the 99 percent of the pie in my works, I can live with the 1 percent crumbs.

Nice plan good to see perfect future

With you on this, it's summer a lot of industries see a general drop, here's to a rip roaring Autumn.

Patience is vary rare now a days, maybe certian reasons behind but what i think is the advancements that has made our day to day life easy and fast. I am trying to be Patient and I suppose, I have acquired to some extent becoz being in a health care field you have to be patient, be it your procedures or your patient.
P.S. These few animations literally told a tale of 9yr and If explained would actually make it a really Big Post. So This animation can be said as Small Cracker, Big Explosion. 😉

btw... follow back , oke
come to my blog to :)@fyrstikken I've tried to contact you on the discord but can not send a message

Hahahahaha that is my steem strategy, power up to the skies , upped

I love your humor .
Like I said in the past, I imagine you chilling in the big chair, smoking a cigar and giving 0 fucks

Patience is a virtue indeed, however is looking as a rare gift nowadays. Mastering this characteristic is a great practice.

Ha ha, super hilarious. And a very valid point.

With any luck we'll get our first harvest before 9 years, even if the first harvests are small... ;)

Rushing things usually cause mistakes, so its always a good idea to balance your level of patience in life

If you dont have patience you better find a walmart job

Yes man you need to have patience to be successful in any aspect of your life for example looks the price of steem some months ago and look it now :)

I love your motivation, anything good in life takes time to achieve , dreams aren't made over night . We all learn this the hard way or the easy way. We have to have patience in anything we want to achieve , leading us to have better outcomes for the future .

A tree full of fruits taking water and sunlight to grow , over time

If we all learn to be patient rather than be driven by greed to do rash things than we can all benefit.
As you said before, we have sown the seeds for our money tree and now we have to wait for it to grow, thrive and prosper.
Great comic @fyrstikken

@arckai woah i thought you had y name of ackza for a second lol

Success takes time and those who are patient enough to wait while working hard, shall be the winners. :)

Steemit wasn't built in one day

Way to go mate♨️

It is a virtue, but one of the most difficult to master. Particularly in the crypto world when everything moves so fast and there is so much FOMO!

You have to be paitent to enjoy the fruits of your labor 👌🏽

So true.

But sometimes it does get difficult thinking where the investment is going.

But we need to keep working for the fruit so that when we reap the benefit, we get it with interest.

Nice storyboard :)


I always remember, my mother waited 9 months for me.

Viking Upvote

You are absolutely right sir @fyrstikken. There is a time for everything.

Gotta plant those seeds...

Indeed, it's like all the #entrepreneur built their empire. There is always a time frame that require termendous patience formats everything to 672 px wide. So it makes your image almost impossible to read.

And, the roots (or the sidewalk) don't make any sense and disturb the flow of your panels.

other people (you know the ones who threaten, want to sue, want to cut down my trees with axes) manage to push their short sighted agendas through and destroy everything with their myopic impatience.I think it's brilliant @fyrstikken... and pretty much the same way I tend to approach life, projects and everything. The greatest challenge-- at least for me-- is seldom whether I'm right or can get something to work, but whether

Some have it since birth and some have to develope it by practice.

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.

I love it although there are very few people who will wait that long.

To be honest when I look back at the moments where I thought about investing in something and didn't and end up regretting it.

9 years passes in the blink of an eye and it is well worth investing for the future

That good.. Be patience to be succes

So. Follow back me oke I agree with you @fyrstikken you just write great post my friend. God bless you

I agree! Gotta be patient and let it grow in time. :)

9 year plan?? hha sounds like a communist plan to buy tractors and collectiv farms! LOL XD
And hey you could place the upvopte and PRICES on your comic like THIS to REALLY entice people (I know u can only add that LATER after its gotten upvotes so its not a crticism jut an imrpocvement we can make AFTER its been posted l;ike tHis:

See how this now thios copy shows the upvotes AND themoney made so far on the post AND includes a link to @fyrstikken 's blog on steemit? I might just post this to my Instagram to show people the example of how much you can make froma webcomic on steemit, is rthat ok frystiokken? I will thejn post it back on steemit as an example of my sucesful method to getting 100s opf likes and views on instagram to promnote steemit!

I did it for @sweetsssj here, i xplained to instagram, via an imagescreenshot of her wlal with text how much money peopel can make on steemit!

so now i can post the image above with the web comic of yours, and show people on onstagram JIUST how much money you can make off a simple web comci if u get followers on steemit!

Anyway I hope thios inspires veryone here to post ion Insrtagram to promote steemit or to register on instagram if u already havent! Instagram also posts directlt to your facebook twotter and tumblr whenever u post to Instagram, so it is 4 dofferent social media so the users you can potentaill reach is a LOT hundreds of milliosn! somethingf like 900 million users on instagram no! 2 buillion on facebook and similar mnumbers for twitter ,
ANYWAY thyanks agaion frystikken and i hope we ALL start promoting our screenshots of our walls to Instagram to reach the MOST users!

Look i got 90 likes on that post aboput @sweetsssj ! see how succesful insrtagram campaign are? and i have like 1900 followers on instagram and i just used to post cannabis bitcoina nd b;ockshain crypto related popsts!

Justs tart posting web comics on instagrama nd SHOW people how much they made on steemit so post to steemit FIRSt so its steemit exlcusive THEN post to instagram with lots of pluygs for stee,mit in the caption AND on the image itself!

sure, go ahead :)

NICE thanks man! here i just finished it! ;) nalready got 23 liks and 1 positive comment!

can i now make a steemit post? Ill give a shoutout to a minnow of yoru choice that you like and want me to give attention to !

I am so happy to be apart of this community man its so euphoric i bet youe even more euphroic being a millionaire now! You should do a post about how youre ALMNOST a millionaire! $850K so ur just a 15 percent incrase in Stem priuce Away from being a Steemit Millioanire bro! congrats! cant wait to see tht post! It iwll make u $1000 for sure, a clear case of how the rich get richer! XD

Haha, funny cartoon :D Patience...

amazing good work bro

If you already exerted time and effort wait for the time you will benefit from it.

It's a key for happy and tention free life.

Great post you earned a new follower from @thefollower -_- Like money? Read my blogs for more!

Patience yes, but also enjoy the ride! 😀😀😀 don't wait for your life to reach a certain point before you start to live! Take pleasure in what you can enjoy now!

Amazing comic! Great philosophy and fun time skills!

i like that :)

Love that toon you made :) id bet you have came across many pink idiots :)

lmao pink idiot, dad and dad... so many good ones in this, thanks for the laugh brooo

wow nice!!

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