You are unique. You hear it from the moment you come into the world. There's no one quite like you. You're one of a kind, a unique result of the dance of DNA and environmental conditioning.
We hear the same in the entrepreneurial world and among the communities of digital nomads and those who work from home. You just need to bring your own unique vision into the world. What if you can't find that vision, can't express it or just feel lost as to what it is you are doing?
For a long time a part of me has known that I'm not meant to work crappy minimum wage jobs my entire life. I never went to university, and though I did study a few different things at college level I never found the subject that "fit". I think I truly am meant to create something from scratch, be it a website or business or freelance writing career. I'm slowly coming to grips with this but this whole “unique” thing has been bothering me for a while.

I think I put too high a value on the word “original”. Not in the sense that you shouldn't create your own content rather than plagiarising, because of course you should. But to me, the term original has been sort of warped to mean “completely unlike anything that has ever been created before”. 100% different, 100% new, 100% unique. This is of course a pretty impossible concept in a world where even beautiful original works of art have similarities to art that has come before. I've allowed this idea that I cannot use my voice if I don't have something to say that is totally unlike everything that has ever been said before and I'm pretty sure a lot of people feel this sort of creative block, and allow it to stop them from ever getting started.
How can I bring something unique into the world when it seems as if every inconceivable idea has already been thought of by someone else? I might be one of a kind (as we all are) but it seems as if one of a kind businesses and artists are in short supply. Everything at this point seems like a derivation of everything else.
It has been said that there is nothing new under the sun. So what does that mean? That all us budding entrepreneurs, artists and writers should just give up on it, because there's nothing new we can possibly bring to the mix? No. I think accepting that anything we come up with; be it a product, service or piece of art, will likely be compared to something else. And that as active consumers of art and writing, it's obvious those things will influence so what we come up with will have a little hint of this or a little hint of that, but yet will still be ours. That there's precious little new in the world doesn't mean that we cannot infuse our creations with a little of our own personality and our own flavour.

Sometimes I think people confuse originality with authenticity. When you have read a lot, seen a lot, read so many inspirational stories of other people finding their own way of doing things, it all starts to blur together and I do see a lot of inspirational people that look as if they have modelled everything they have done on what someone else has done. A lot of what is out there feels inauthentic. And to me that is the biggest thing. Finding a way to be truly authentic is hard, especially when you're struggling with self esteem issues and wondering if anyone really wants your authenticity or not. It's so in our nature to model our behaviour off other people when we are growing up, that we can find ourselves to confused about how really to be authentic. But I think it's only in the doing itself that we will truly find our authenticity. When reading the inspirational stories of others or going to seminars or taking business courses or whatever, I think some pretty good advice is “take the parts you like and leave the parts you don't”. This doesn't mean ignore your taxes or assume you can build successful blog that pays you well within a couple of months, but it does mean don't assume that how your story goes is going to be the same as everyone elses.

Whatever it is you're putting off because you don't know if it has been done to death, just do it. Do it with passion and your unique flair and put your whole self into it. What you come up with will be a little like and a little different from everything else out there. Accept that whatever you come up with is unlikely to be 100% unique, as we have so many things available to us these days. The best thing you can do is make sure that it's 100% you and you put your heart, your soul and your spirit into it. Otherwise you are just going to sit around for the rest of your life waiting for some unique idea to hit you and never actually getting the chance to execute it. You need to go out there and let life teach you where it is, instead of expecting it to come to you in a flash.
All content is original, including the photos.
Light hits the retina and thus is how sight begins. Now one of the theories says that one system processes the shape, the other the color and the third processes movement, location, etc.
Lets say you see a green cube. The brain is wired that way for you to immediately recognise it and place it somewhere in your memory bank.
Why I am boring you with all this? Well...
We are wired to compare. Its how we cope with "stuff". "Oh i seen something like this before!" "Oh, this reminds me of..." We categorise to manage.
If you look at some of the organisms like bees or ants...they all work twards the common goal. Yes? And we? Individualism, me myself and I are higly praised. "I did this on my own." "I came up with this...."
I was about 6 and i drew this bird. It was quite grand looking. I remember my aunt asking me: did you do this by yourself? And I said yes but that I watched the picture in the book for reference. She was a bit disapointed. Yes....i refrenced that image but I added to it. I evolved it. I took something that was already there and made it my own. New.
Now...if we were a beehive sorta system this word work as a thing that benefits all. Yes someone made the engine and someone else upgraded it and then someone else upgraded it, etc. That engine serves all humanity. But ego and society standards are wired differently. The desire to be unique, be hurd and special is strong. Competition is very stimulating. So I cant say there is fault in that desire...but just saying there is another side to it.
Sorry for such a long reply! tip!
Thank you for the tip and the thoughtful reply. Of course it makes sense to use a reference when drawing. I've never been much for drawing or painting, but I do love to read and write. Thanks again!
You're unique. Just like everyone else 😆A fair point you have @catonwheels. It reminds me of the saying (makes me laugh every time):
As creative beings, we observe. We take in everything around us. Creating is simply drawing from a bank, an imaginary bank (no pun intended). We can extract ideas, but where do they come from? They are born from the seeds that we sow in our minds! Everything we take in goes into our bank.
The creative process is simply finding ways that work best for each of us to tap into that well and create. When we approach an endeavor in life with great passion and determination (not quitting at the first roadblock) and push ourselves beyond our personal comfort and limitations = that is how we create our masterpiece.
Continue to create and be mindful of what you 'take in'. Most importantly, enjoy your creative journey @catonwheels! That's what it's all about. Thanks for this read, great way to start a Friday!You're welcome, thank you for the thoughtful comment.
I'm not sure who I heard this from, maybe Adam Grant, but "originality" and "creativity" these days are less about coming up with a brilliant, utterly unique idea and more about seeing new and different ways that things can be put together. Like we used to be able to call a yellow cab on the phone, but now we can call any car in our vicinity who wants to give us a ride with the Uber App.
I like to keep in mind that opportunity is everywhere. How can this be done better? What new advantage can technology give us to do this thing we've been doing for millennia? Always keep the wheels of your mind turning in this way and write stuff down when you think of it.
There are so many screwed up things in the world - how can they be done better? That's one way of looking at creativity and innovation. It's not an original way of looking at it of course. :-)
Food for thought, and you're right there's so much that needs improving on. Thank you for reading!
amazing photos!!!)
I am soooo glad I read this! I have what I call perfection paralysis. I know how I want it to read or look but struggle so hard with the process that I end up doing nothing. I suppose I'm waiting for that moment of brilliance, which never comes. I am slowly (like super slow) learning a process of progression or baby steps and have finally started to get myself moving. I truly am my own worst enemy when it comes to sharing myself with the world. There needs to be a save button in these posts so I can revisit them. I have a feeling I'd like to read this again and again.
I have the same issue and it's stopped me from starting blogging for years. I think just getting moving is the biggest thing and realising that things don't have to be perfect. Going to read some of your stuff now :)
This is what I try to impress upon people all the time! I am an artist and so it is just part of the territory, but so many people devalue creativity in every little aspect of their lives. I don't care if you are a street sweeper or an assembly line worker, your life can be so much richer by being original and creative. You may even make your job easier and more enjoyable too!
Upvoting resteeming and following.
Thank you for the kind comment. I kind of shut my creativity off for years, I always loved to write but grew out of the habit when I got older and stopped thinking of myself as creative. Hopefully Steemit can be that platform to get back into it.
I often think why would mine stand out before another ?!?! What can I bring ?!?
I am constantly wanting my writing to be ... different but then I have the worry it wont be well recieved or its just to complicated to appeal to someone as it does me....
& of course its obvious that steemit provides for those who are 'unique '.
Thought provoking! Got me thinking !
Yes I have this issue as well, especially as a newbie writer it's hard not to compare and judge yourself. Thank for you the thoughtful comment.
Its hard to make your mark here but I definitely think perseverance is the key :!] Thanks for writing back and I wish you much success here !!!
Inspirational article. Resteemed and following. This sentence stood out for me @catonwheels
Many years ago I heard that when you wish to start something new or need to respond to someone/something, and although you may have a few vague ideas you really don't know where to begin ~ To just do nothing.
Just go on with other things in your life that need your attention. Living your life to the fullest. Absorbing all you see and experience. Trusting in your own subconscious, dreams, intuition and guidance ~ And there will be a time to begin.
I've found, as other 'creative perfectionists' have mentioned, beginning is the hardest part. At this stage it's important to acknowledge the fears and self doubt, so they are out in the open ~ Knowing they are not really you and you don't have to be directed by them, they gradually lose their momentum.
I've never seen myself as a 'writer.' But what I'm finding now is that by sharing my art and photography, I let the images speak to me about themselves ~ See the connections they may have with feelings, situations or symbolism. And this is something that I can then start to write about.
Responding to responses is also a wonderful way to bring out the 'writer.' I have worked in this way via several social media platforms but find Steemit to be hands down THE best way, for me to continue on this journey of becoming 'Original.'
This is such a beautiful comment, thanks so much. It really is so important to just start doing whatever it is you want to do and let the improvements come as you go.
I think often unfortunately buisness and originality doesnt work that good together.
More often doing good buisness has to do with following norms, catching on trending, or doing team working in corporation rather than expression of unicity and originality.
Trading has lot to do with catching on common denominator, and often more fitting into pre established standard.
Or you can create new trend and new standard but that require lot of energy and consistence.
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I also really believe that it's not even necessarily about the end piece. It's about documenting the whole process fom start to finish.
And being completely honest and open about it all.
The highs, the lows and the in-betweens.