Scenes 1, 2 - Official Première Script Release of "Better Left Unsaid" - A Feature Film to be Produced on Steemit!

in #original-script8 years ago (edited)

100% of Steem Dollars Received Will Be Used in the Making of the Film

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"Better Left Unsaid"

Scenes 1, 2
Story and Screenplay by @brian-rhodes Original Music by @dan-atstarlite Working Title by @jrcornel

(The following script is formatted for desktop viewing only)


      Sitting on the edge of the bed in his boxers, head in hands,
      is CHARLIE LEONARD, a man in his 60's, 5'10", 190 lbs. soft
      build, slightly overweight, short cropped hair, unshaven grey
      facial hair. A manly weathered look. Guilt ridden. Wants to
      break free of his past. Self-loathing. Angry. Recovering from
      night of booze and sex. He's near breaking physically. He's
      in pain.

      The room is quiet, dimly lit. Blinds are pulled. A tattered
      70's-style poster hangs on the wall. "The Charlie Leonard
      Band, "Grind It Out, North American Tour 1984", stands out in
      the drab room. The furniture is old and make do.

      An empty pizza box sits on the small kitchen counter on one
      side of the room. A half empty scotch bottle and two glasses
      sit on a bedside table. Empty beer bottles are scattered

      A stack of vinyl LP's sits on the floor against the wall. The
      armature is at the end of an LP spinning on the turntable.
      The turntable sits on a plastic commercial milk box beside
      the record stack. A small amp with speakers sits on a chest
      of drawers beside the turntable. The room is messy.

      Next to Charlie, laying on his stomach, naked, half covered
      by a sheet with his head at the foot of the bed is EUGENE,
      mid-20's, handsome, dark brown hair, swimmer's build, 6'
      Mediterranean complexion. His bare ass is exposed. He's
      facing the wall away from Charlie.

      Charlie looks at him, then turns away. Pours a scotch
      straight up. Reaches for his jeans on floor beside bed. Pulls
      out a plastic bag of pills. Washes two pills down with the
      scotch. Places open bag on night table. He holds his side in


      He shakes Eugene.

                          CHARLIE (CONT'D)
                Wake up.

      Eugene awakens.

                          CHARLIE (CONT'D)
                You gotta leave.


                Get dressed!

      Confused, Eugene rolls out of the bed, puts on his clothes.
      Charlie picks up his jeans again. Pulls out some cash. Counts
      it out.

                          CHARLIE (CONT'D)

      Throws a hundred dollars on the bed. Eugene picks it up.
      Charlie holds his side again.

                          EUGENE (CONT'D)
                You OK?

      Charlie ignores him.

                I'll catch up to you later. Just go!

      Eugene nods OK and exits. Charlie sits calmly staring at the
      pill bag on the bedside table. Picks up the bag, spills the
      pills left onto the table. He picks up two more. Washes them
      down with more scotch.

      He sits motionless for a moment, tries to stand up. Suddenly,
      he writhing with overwhelming pain, he passes out slumping to
      the bed, onto the floor.

                                                     CUT TO BLACK:

      The sound of disjointed, layered phrases, different voices,
      words seemingly off in the distance mixed with the sound of a
      siren... "first time ever; hospital; last night at the bar;
      how long; he's a friend; why can't I go; out of the way; he's
      stabilized; no time".

      Through the noise a steady beep starts faintly then becomes
      more audible as the noise fades out until only the recurring
      beep is audible.

                                                          CUT TO:


      P.O.V. Charlie: He opens his eyes. Vision is blurry. In a
      hospital bed. Confused. The heart monitor beeps nearby. He
      sees vague image. Someone in a white coat is approaching...

                          DR. JAMES
                Mr. Leonard.

      Charlie strains to respond.

                          DR. JAMES (CONT'D)
                Don't try to speak. Just nod yes or
                no. I'm Dr. James. How are you

      Charlie manages a nod.

                          DR. JAMES (CONT'D)
                Good. You're in hospital. You're OK.
                We've pumped your stomach. Scotch and
                OxyContin. Not a good mix Mr.
                Leonard. The immediate threat has
                passed. You can count yourself lucky
                your friend came back for his keys.

      The Doctor looks at the chart.

                          DR. JAMES (CONT'D)
                We're going to keep you for a day or
                two... to run some tests, make sure
                we're not missing anything. OK?

      As the Doctor's words sink in Charlie struggles to sit up
      upright. The Doctor stops him.

                          DR. JAMES
                Not now. Just rest. The nurse will
                come in shortly. We need another
                blood sample. I'll drop by tomorrow.
                By then we should have a better...

      The strain is too much. The Doctor's voice fades out. The
      sunken look around Charlie's eyes says it all. He's not well.

Follow @steemfilm to find out what happens next!


Wow, I pictured every moment of this so clearly! Really sensing his disconnect from reality and the incident flowed naturally - i hadn't even bat a lash at him drinking pills with scotch and the implication 🙈

You're so sweet! Thanks

Freakin' epic. Starts off typical and then really pulls you in.

I can hear great musical things going on during all this !

Jay... wait to see the sene where Rockyard plays a set! Ha! Yes music will be a huge part of this film.

Oh ho ho, I'm sure we'd all be into that.

Looking forward to seeing this project unfold my man. Great potential. Dan was giving me the low down last week!

nice start. Waiting for it in cinema's across the world..

I'll be happy with the one down on the corner! Ha! Thanks Rival!