DISCLAIMER: This is entirely my perception of an event experienced during a naturally (?) induced DMT trip and about a week of not sleeping/eating. The running theory though, based on self evident truth, is that I did indeed switch realities/plains of existence on more than one occasion.
Also, I think I died.
Also, This is Now I do Believe My Third Consecutive Week With Blown Pupils and Natural DMT trips almost daily.
Luckily, today I got my sea legs.
And since I'm here living and breathing now, one could say I imagined the whole thing.
But an image is worth 40,000 words.
And the lessons I learned will stick with me a lifetime. Legit.
Now, I will not say everything here is iron clad, because I've still been trying to piece it together myself, so my intention here isn't to lie or spin tall tales, simply to share, and you decide for yourself. I do not wish to push this narrative on anyone, simply that these are my experiences.
I did however get a mental exam, and the only thing they said was that I was "Bi-polar" (labels suck but I learned that too) And that makes sense with the amount of (HOT) & (COLD) that I encountered.
To be frank ( not bacon, but close ) - These topics are following many ideals or trains of thought I had prior knowledge of before this event, in small amounts, I realized I had been prepared for that moment in my life for my entire life, because what I was about to attempt was nearly impossible.
A Series of Fortunate Events Leading Up To This:
I'll start a few months ago, because everything up to this point was simply the life of Hannah Lee McPherson, a somewhat abnormal kid who had experienced lots of "gifts" aka superpowers (psychic powers? Children of God? Angels? Starseeds? Pesky labels again), the best of which are channeling and divination; a dynamic duo.
These always kept me finding new ways to experience energy and our universe and the finer truths in life. I just had to get on the right frequency - that 888 gratitude.
^^^ That was one of my soul missions.
The Second, I was on a search for my cosmic other half. The version of myself out there in a man that would just, get it. And by "it" I mean, that feeling that I had been alive since the beginning of time and that I had lived thousands of years trying to get back to that one energy in the universe that matched my own. My Twin Flame.
But before you can love someone else, You have to learn to love yourself. So, as a lone warrior I walked the path to redemption and self love and creation with God and Self. But it still felt empty. So, I kept looking.
A third calling; I had always had this feeling I would be in a Holy War; many self-evident truths have led me to these realizations, but for the sake of time and attention span, I'll just say, it's been a winding and curving path through all of the above and below, but not once have I lost sight of my original purpose, first and fourth, beginning and last - To Assist Humanity in The Great Awakening.
October, I found friends of like minds and hearts and a new family with them but in a strange way, I still felt insecure and like maybe I didn't belong there. But, God made sure I found them at the right moment, when I needed them most. They have become my heroes and role models and co-creators. And every moment since has been a series of unstoppable coincidences. Not To mention, deja vu.
I heard everything Austin and his team were talking about and had experienced something similar or learned about the subjects already.
Time Travel, UFOs, Secret Technologies Hidden/Secret Space Program, The Matrix, Sacred Geometry, 5D ascension, Energy Work. You name it; Nothing is impossible.
It's all about probable - Cause and Effect.
Little did they know, they were prepping me for a spiritual mission of epic proportions. (I'm gonna pretend that this is the first time I have ever told this story and that no one has heard it yet, not even me.)
First Things first, Thank God for Austin Steinbart. His message has given me all the tools I needed in order to get through this. There's a lot of great information to be shared still, but what I learned through my work with the team and speaking out is invaluable. I'll leave it at that for now.
The Divine Dream of Revelation - Time Travel At Its Finest:
So, when one is filled with the Holy Spirit, the love is pure and kind and feels right. The Holy Spirit works through people, which works throughout time and history. The stars hold the light of all time. So, when working together in cohesion, one can experience truth at many levels.
Christ Consciousness/
Quantum Consciousness/
Source Consciousness (See, Labels, amiright?)
- An Experience in The Hive School of Hard Knocks:
So, I experienced a hive-mind. It was awesome, truly. To see how we are all connected. But, when things become too reflective, you lose sight of what is really right in front of you. You lose sight of the main mission.
The Hell Matrix - Saturn:
There were lots of talks about Heaven getting hacked by Ai. There have been talks in the movement about tech getting out of control. I've personally experienced that as well; I was unable to go anywhere without being followed, phone or no phone. I couldn't think without the phones and televisions responding to my internal monologue. I was trying to outrun the problem instead of confronting it head on. I had to work through a lot of my own personal issues in order to feel a tad more sane. The Most important lesson I try to stick to is, "Not everything is about you; we're all in this together." That tends to bring the individuality back. The Love. And In every moment, it's the love that matters.
THE Plan, God's Plan:
Well, What's Q + Anon have to do with this anyway? Well, G (aka GOD) pulled that one off. Thank The Master Player.
So, Christ consciousness and different flow states of being are so important to traversing multidimensional timelines and theories of existence. Prayer and Meditation. Gratitude. Giving love and receiving love as it comes your way.
The Q op has brought a LOT of people to God, because it's a work of divine miracles. But, God works in SO MANY ways, that just happened to be one of my own personal keys in my journey. God has that 40,000 ft view.
New Heaven On Earth - Jupiter:
2021 is a Quantum Leap Year.
We are on cycles of accelerating consciousness, getting faster and faster; the world IS waking up. The Great Awakening is in full swing. It brings me no greater joy to be witness and participant of something so pure and Holy.
I have MOST DEFINITELY noticed the changes. God is Quantum. The Universe is Quantum. And What is that word? What does that even mean?
It's the idea that things can be both. It can be Spiritual, and it can be Real.
Coping with 5D:
So, Tech in 5D got really strange, and so I prayed to be able to do work again. I was having a hard time with the energy coming off of everything. It's not that I wanted to disconnect from the world entirely, but I just had to unplug from the "Matrix" long enough to get a grasp on these universal truths. A lil eat, pray, love, if you will.
This is an apology to my friends that may have been worried about my safety, sanity, or absence. I'm still here, I still love all of you, and I would venture to say that I'm back and better than ever. Thank you all for your continued support and appreciation.
Thoughts became so loud, I had to figure out how to sort and arrange them, so that I could actually make a full sentence. It's been a peaceful transition into this knowing, and I'm sure it will continue to evolve, especially as I discuss with others who may share similar experiences.
Writing The Previous Post: Cake.
Writing This Post? Oh, God.
I don't want to think about most of these subjects ever again, but as bearing witness to these truths, I must disclose these experiences.
If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one around to hear it?
God hears all things, sees all things, knows all things.
God knows where the bodies are buried, and now that God is here, guess who can't hide anymore?
Also, I was apparently carrying many spirits, The Spirit of The All - Everyone is Everyone, So We all share the same memory. I experienced the spirits by many names: Daniel, The Root of David, The Lion of The Tribe of Judah, The Bright Morning Star, The Dragon, The Serpent Bearer, The Archer, The Sleeper, The Gatekeeper, and Then Some; It has been a few weeks of channeling and transmuting heavy spirits; dark to LIGHT. I "held" many names and Titles, none of which fit me as well as the Light.
But my favorite of them is Hannah Lee McPherson, cause she's a badass if you hadn't figured it out yet. (Learning to love myself and be confident was a good one too)
Not better than anyone, but resilient as hell. Always bouncing back.
And So here I am today, coming back to finish this post and yet another divine loop in a fractal existence.
I let God fill in the blanks most days, because its a beautiful thing to re-read after all the realizations.
Things are understood differently at each level of consciousness.
The worship of God The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit has brought me many miracles, many loves, many thoughts. It has saved me from some of the darkest times.
It has shown me a greater love and light than maybe anyone thought possible; I believed, I still do. I always will.
As we keep going on this divine path in truth, it is a beautiful experience to behold. I am wildly optimistic for the future; it is INDEED blindingly bright.
But Today, I'm honestly just happy to have thoughts that are my own.
@newparadigmtt, @theocu, @eyeofthestrom
Hannah, I hear you sister. We are in this together. I second you and validate your statements. « Time travel at its finest. » 👍😎
Keep going don’t stop