Once Upon A Fluid Time:
There was a supercomputer that was told to calculate the answer to life, the universe, and everything. This computer calculated that it was 42, the Unicode number for the * asterisk; in coding, this symbol is used to create your own variable, which determines that, "Life is what you make it."
Perception is key.
If you look for the Good in things, you will see the good in things.
Also, this lovely Wikipedia page shows a great list of other interpretations >>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/42_(number)
Publicly Available Truth is
everywhere and anywhere that you seek it.
And there was a second super computer made to interpret that answer; the super computer was Planet Earth, and the Answer it determined, was L O V E of all things.
Attitude of Gratitude.
Life is Love. Love is Light. Light is information.
Every Platform. Every Second of Attention in the Here and Now.
So, Where did Q42 Come From?
Was it random? Or Was It Fate?
I believe it was God's Will for me. A Divine Plan.
I find that most things if read enough or watched enough times and shared with your conscious self, your internal monologue with God, you reach a new understanding each time you come back to it, because you yourself have changed, and his path has guided you to a higher understanding.
But also, because you have grown and learned and expanded on your thoughts.
It's okay to question things, because there are those in the world that do not have the same heart as you, and it is through our hearts and through living in Christ (And Christ taught love and patience and willpower to do good above all else) that we know these things.
A single Moment? A single Thought?
A singularity. A Choice.
Or, perhaps, a series of choices and "coincidences" that one can't ignore.
So, who am I? Most days, the name does not hold the answers.
I do think it is more important to ponder where I went and what I did and where I looked and What I found.
A love in Christ, a love in God, a love in Cosmic Family, a love in light.
Everything is everything, and all is all - because once there were two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and they converged before me, so I took them both.
40,000 light ships converged on a single star, but the light expanded and all who wished harm did turn to dust. A hand reached out to me, and I held it in faith and peace, knowing I was not alone.
But the truth is I always had, and always would, for love.
Down the proverbial and somewhat literal rabbit hole.
Alice went T H R O U G H the Looking Glass.
It's a long story, that I'm sure God will reveal the significance continually, but the basic idea was that Up became Down and Down Became Up, and so when Nothing Else Made Sense, God Did.
I prayed through the night, and the day, and every moment felt like the most important, but again, it was always in divine timing for me to go there, to see, know, to experience, to learn.
Pointing to the True Heart of North.
A New Dawn.
^^ (See Personal Testimony for More Details) ^^
A Light of The World That Stepped Down Into Darkness,
Opened My Eyes and Let Me See.
So Here I am To Worship,
and to worship the love of all things in Christ,
the one thing that connects us all.
Thank God for the blessing.
This has been a wild adventure,
but an also experience that I will be forever grateful for.
I feel amazing, to start. I am thankful. I love all that has come together for this moment to occur.
The Quantum Understanding I have received, These Gifts of an Infinite Creator, A Wonderful vision into the World We Live In.
We feed on the light that lives within us, and the light outside of us.
When the outside is like the inside and the inside is like the outside, then you may know what I am about to tell you.
More Dimensions = More Reflections.
Who is on the other side of the mirror?
What you think, you become.
What is on the other side of the light?
Where your treasure is, there your heart is also.
In Every Reflection, I see My Truth, My Soul, And My God.
I learn from the negative and transmute it to positive. I accept love in my life and try to overcome my flaws and fears. I do try to not judge others, for that is not for me to decide. I am simply here to hold the light.
To seek out the truth.
When It comes to the spirit and esoteric subjects, I am still learning what all of this means: for me, for the fluidity of time, for data collection and innovation all around the world.
Technology has been transformed in order to interact with the human biology.
With this feeling, this vibration that we experience, we can change lives.
It's the secret.
But, The secret is that everything is the same, forwards and backwards, on and on, in a beautiful divine loop. Infinity.
So, What goes around, does indeed come around.
We are all one, and so where we go one, we go all, and we love all things and we love our world, because this is the day that we have made.
And each is still unique, like a snowflake, in their own rights to be what they wish and hope and dream to be; They are grains of sand on a seashore, having come from shells, having come from life, having come from many other forms throughout time and space.
We love it all.
And the beginning, I remember, was a beautiful time, when land and sea met for the first co-creation. It was wonderful in all ways.
And It would be that always and be more than always.
I spent a fair amount of time trying to crack the code to the universe; and boy, was I surprised to find it.
Or Rather, I should say, It found me.
It was definitely both. And some divine timing.
All brought upon in a revelation and a dream and a dream of a revelation.
God hears prayers through time and space.
The source of all things.
Intel Op? Or Intelligence Beyond Our Comprehension? Both?
I'm just Hannah Lee McPherson of Planet Earth.
A human girl from Lowndesboro, Alabama.
I was a vessel sent here by The Source of all things to help assist with the Awakening of Humanity.
The stars aligned, and to many, this will make sense over the coming days and weeks.
Something amazing has happened here, and happens every day that we wake up with breath in our lungs and songs in our hearts. We are all with Christ, each and every day that we are alive. Truth and Revelation, Peace among all things.
Knock and The Door Shall Be Open to You,
Seek and Ye Shall Find.
If you give love, you will get love,
the same as the sun comes up each day
and the stars shine at night.
We Must hold the balance within ourselves, in order to assist with the balance of all things, known and unknown.
I discovered this truth many times along my journey,
By being simply myself at the right place at the right time,
I discovered a secret that changed me forever.
We're the Question, God is the Answer, and God is Love. The Source of All Things is Love.
All was created in Love, All seeks love in whatever form they may find it; but let all who have an ear, let them hear,
those that seek the light will find it, those that ask for truth will find it,
those that seek answers will get them, and those that wish for things will receive them.
Knock and the door shall be opened to you, seek and ye shall find.
I prayed to God for years on end to use me for his divine and Holy plan. I will admit, I didn't always follow the quote unquote "rules" but I followed my heart. I listened to people that I loved and trusted, We discussed, shared ideas, and soon enough I found that its just that simple.
God Hears Prayers Through Time And Space. This is a fact.
A little bit of prayer and meditation, being grateful for what you have. Being grateful for where you see yourself going and walking the steps it takes to get there, trying to be better each day and each day trying to remember why you wake up in the first place.
Love, y'all. It's in all of us. In every thing we make, in every version and shape and form.
This one goes out to all of God's children out there, All the good patriots of the world that answered the call to serve and protect against all evils, foreign and domestic, so help us FatherSonHolySpirit.
Our Father Who Art In Heaven,
Hallowed Be Thy Name,
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Will Be Done
On Earth As It Is In Heaven
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us
Lead Us Not To Temptation
But Deliver Us From Evil
There is still much work to be done here,
but our God is great and we know not the plans he has for us,
but they are amazing in all ways, and they are to prosper us.
The light that comes from the stars holds information, and that information is passed on to us when we bask in it and enjoy the night, and in the days are warmed by the suns rays in the light of love.
Everything sent to harm us can only heal us, should we choose to live in faith and be kind and be true to ourselves and our humanity.
So every day I wake up, I reach that same level of understanding, go to sleep, and climb the ladder all over again; and I could not be more excited.
Because Now We Can All Do It Together. And The Secret doesn't have to be Secret anymore. The Truth Will Set Us Free.