Hello all my friends
where ever you are
on this occasion, I have prepared videos, pictures and some of my explanations, about the type of caterpillar that is in the forest, it is very dangerous if we all, touched by this type of caterpillar.
the caterpillar that you see in the video, has a color, like:
- yellow whole body
- yellow gold
- black
- white on the feather section
- orange on the front of the face
so that you all understand, what I understand in my explanation later, I have prepared the picture that I photographed, using macro photography techniques, to look beautiful and good, look at the picture below:
as you read on the title, this type, is very dangerous, if it is about the caterpillar type that I showed on the photo above. maybe you will ask, "what causes the skin of our skin to itch if touched by this type of caterpillar". the answer is :
a caterpillar has a poisonous lymph gland in fine hair that is in all parts of its body.
in the part of the fur has toxic cell cavities.
The poison cell will come out if the fine hair breaks.
When the hair is broken, and the skin is touched, then our skin will feel itchy.
you must have understood, what I measured, at the point of the explanation above.
DTuber that I respect
thus, these points will end my brief explanation, today, hopefully useful, for all of you, wherever you are.
I end with the word
have a great activity
greetings from me to all @sultan-Aceh
Be careful, this type of caterpillar has poisonous lymph nodes in the hair, which can make our skin itchy
be careful, maybe this type can bring this type of disease, to our body, without us knowing it.
Camera used | Cannon 1300D |
Lens Camera | EF-S 18-55mm |
Location | Forest Aceh |
▶️ DTube
caterpillar look nice in video .
thank so much okhai @dine77
✅ @sultan-aceh Your beauty has no boundaries.Please give advice for betterment of each other.✅ @sbanerjee0017(Shyamal Banerjee[Age:62] Kolkata,INDIA)✍
thank so much @sbanerjee0017
Why would anyone want to touch a caterpillar and without gloves as well.... BTW those images are top notch.
thank so much @josphirre
this is very beautiful friend. and you explain it in great detail. very good.
Upvote and Re-SteemHai @sultan-aceh
thank so much @kimki
You are always great. I like your photos the most.
thank so much @sheikhshahin