Eventually, all the petals that were once brilliant and white and perfect, will shrivel and fall to the table. Perhaps, they were neglected. Perhaps, just overtended to. Perhaps, they were tossed about so violently at the whim of others that they were unable to sustain their beauty any longer for others to gaze upon with delight.
Take care of that which you find to be delicate and perfect to you, it can all change in the blink of an eye.
@wehmoen @alicekennedy @starrysnow
@pennywisedawise @tarynq @kiimayer @qconsciousness @spirit-Admetos @wokemobile @seeleesea11 @invsecactof1951 @brianburns @ibor @quantum17 @binbash @lasmokanostra @whatonearthq17 @alicekennedy @krishunter @dalec369 @memeteam17 @pauljosiesavill @newparadigmtt @iq187 @txgodmotheriii @hivebuzz @steampunkmedia @steempress @steampeak @delso @lynds @steemityourway @truthstreammedia @steem-plus @fulltimegeek @frankbacon @franksComs @greatgaribaldi @envisible @q42 @littich @qxpat @exodesigns @digitalsoldier17 @ahough1706 @awakeninggreatly @fishface @forthesamuel @helloall2317 @indigosoul58 @isaacawesomov @jameswwg1wga @kristinaavalon @metatronscube @piriglion101 @roejanfootball @thadrake @tmcs.live @ciefurhunk @davidnv2000 @drwaffles @ghostshell101 @key2truth @mb123 @mishelle1974 @realitymatrix @shelbie @travis.ebarb @wokemobile @austinsteinbart
Petals will all but fade away,
As they fall to the table,
But it is in their nature to fade,
Whenever they are able.
Because nothin good and sweet
In this world may last,
For greatness Burns bright,
And it does indeed burn fast.
And to the water, in the vase.
Oh how I do wish you’ll stay.
But even on a hot day,
Or in this roses decaying flame,
The water will all but fade away.
It’s funny how almost all things will eventually evaporate.
To become again the atoms of which were made.
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