
In the market there are a lot of assets or products such as cryptocurrencies, stocks, gold, oil, commodities or food, which may be subject to or scheduled for futures for a long-term stabilization in the market when they are volatile products. , in order to achieve long-term stability.
The futures market has had an increase in recent years remarkable enough, this is thanks to the advantages it offers, since future contracts with various operations such as speculation or arbitration of prices can be of great help.
To start a futures contract first the price agreed is known to make an exchange at a future date, it is something essential when carrying out the contract, but to access the futures market have to have an open account with a broker or in other words, with an institution that is responsible for transactions between a buyer and a seller in return for a Commission when such an operation is executed.
But a big problem that we face is that the big commission brokers can take us away, and that the commissions can be of different types depending on the operations made in the futures contract, the commission is a percentage of the operation performed, also we have the commissions that can charge us for the maintenance of our actions and one that we can find in latin america are commissions for the exchange of currencies with some international intermediary.

The unfortunate thing of all this is that they tend to be commissions with a high value index, a value that exceeds the capacity of many users who are starting in this market of futures contracts and for that reason they can not obtain profits, since they are lost for the expensive commissions that they have to pay, this is a very negative point in the market if you want to continue this process.
There are large institutions that require a large amount of commissions and for that reason they have lost users interested in using their services, which leads to a decrease in satisfied and interested customers, and who have gone bankrupt because they do not have enough users to keep float the companies. There are also other institutions that have an excessive amount of commission but that are not trustworthy because these institutions may have had deficiencies due to lost or stolen money, due to mismanagement of the assets of their users or clients.
Therefore in this publication I will talk about Digitex and how Digitex Futures Exchange is in charge of eliminating commissions on futures contracts since they have a token that is responsible for not having commissions and a decentralized balance is managed, and is that with this token called DGTX, using it as the native currency, will get the income to keep the company afloat and in good working order without the need for expensive transaction fees.
What is Digitex Futures Exchange?

It is a free exchange of futures, Digitex has a model hybrid with a centralized matching engine and has a decentralized in the Ethereum blockchain, balances account where are all account balances. This is largely due to the DGTX Token, since to coining its own currency is responsible for delete the transactions in the exchange rates.
This DGTX token is based on Ethereum, in addition to all the losses, margins, benefits and requirements DGTX tokens will be used for all transactions, in the account balances of all users must have the token in order to participate in transactions free of commissions.
Need the token in order to make any movement generates or poses a great demand of tokens by the users or companies, providing a positive impact since it exceeds the cost inflation of coining a small numbers of new tokens annually.
With Digitex balances of feature will be decentralized and independent blocks of Ethereum chain, which is a big difference compared with other institutions, in this way all users associated with Digitex may manage and trade all operations without having to rely on the exchange with their money, giving them peace of mind.
An important point to note is that each DGTX token is issued in a democratic manner by all users and Digitex partners possessing tokens, all this will be possible through the decision by all of what will be the amount of new tokens to issue and when s they were issued, all this with the purpose of maintaining stable futures exchange, generating greater demand to the token and causing a greater usefulness and value to the DGTX token.
About Digitex Futures Exchange:
- Zero trade commissions, Digitex by using its own native cryptocurrency such as the DGTX token, will cover all expenses for an excellent operation since instead of charging transaction fees they will get their income through the DGTX tokens.
- Decentralized accounts, in the Digitex ecosystem all account balances are maintained in a decentralized intelligent contract and totally independent in the Blockchain technology of Ethereum.
- Decentralized government, is a totally democratic system where users are responsible for determining how many DGTX tokens will have to be issued and when, for operation and for all operations, all this through the decentralized governance of blockchain.
Negotiating futures without commission
Digitex obtains its income through the issuance of tokens, instead of commissions for transactions, it is a positive point for both parties, for the user to no longer have to pay commissions and save some money and for Digitex to offer a good service and even so generate income.

What was once thought impossible is now possible, as is the free trade of any commission, with the ERC-223 token in the Ethereum block chain and being used as a native currency of the Digitex Futures Exchange, they have been responsible for eliminating all transaction fees, they also generate an extremely small inflation creating tokens since they are better rewarded by the demand of users and associates by DGTX tokens since they must have them to be able to make any transaction and make it free of commissions.
It is also expected that there will be a demand from the users of the DGTX token and it is also expected that the volume of the cryptocurrency trade will grow exorbitantly, but at the same time it will be necessary to know the number of tokens that must be generated to create this demand because with the DGTX token it will be the only way in which they can participate in transactions and markets.
It is important to note that there will be no new tokens issued for a period of two years after the launch of the Digitex Futures Exchange, since the costs for a smooth operation will be supported by the revenues generated after the ICO. Probably this will cause the trading volumes to increase greatly and there will be a high demand for tokens as the participants will want to obtain all the possible tokens that will be in the market at the moment to carry out the transactions free of commissions, this will bring with it an inflationary impact .
At the beginning of 2021 is when Digitex Futures Exchange will generate new tokens to cover operating costs such as staff costs, premises, market and servers, among other associated costs, the method used to know how many new votes will be necessary will be through decentralized governance by blockchain.
This process will work in the following way, those interested in buying tokens will have to send the amount they want in ETH and they will receive the correct amount of DGTX tokens in exchange.
Token DGTX

The basis for the correct operation of Digitex Futures Exchange is its token, since it is necessary to be able to buy or sell any futures contract, it is necessary that users have a positive balance of DGTX, since the value of each futures contract is of 1 DGTX token.
Some key elements of the DGTX token are the following:
Every requirement in the Digitex futures market is canceled in DGTX.
There will not be a creation of new tokens for a period of 2 years after the launch of the Digitex Futures Exchange, this will allow contracts without the need to charge commission fees in that period of time, that is why the ICO will offer a initial supply of 1,000,000,000 DGTX tokens.
The issuance of new tokens would normally generate an inflation, but in this case it would also generate a high demand for tokens, this is due to the long period that they will last without generating new tokens, after a while the issuance of new tokens will be necessary, there will be a great demand from users.
The DGTX token is an ERC-233 based on Ethereum, which can be freely traded for Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies on the Digitex platform.
An important point to note is that the owners of the DGTX tokens can freely participate in the purchase and sale of liquid futures contracts on prices of some cryptocurrency, as would be the case of bitcoin versus the US dollar or in the case of Ethereum, all this without incurring commissions for the operations carried out. This is the great advantage of managing DGTX tokens since in any other platform the commissions could be expensive but with the profitable strategy system of Digitex Futures Exchange that doesn't happen.
DGTX Token supply and distribution
For the initial market there will be 1,000,000,000 DGTX tokens available, but these will be divided as follows:
65% will be for sale to the public, which would be a total of 650M of DGTX, for the purchase of tokens only need to exchange ETH for tokens equivalent to a price of $ 0.01 per DGTX token.
20% to Digitex Market Markers, which would be a total of 200M of DGTX, these are the creators of Digitex markets, which are automated trading robots with algorithms, all with the function of helping to create a market of future liquid.
A 10% to the team of Digitex and its advisers, which would be a total of 100M of DGTX, this will be the payment to the founding team as rewarded for the work they had and the one they will have in the future.
5% to references, which would be a total of 50M of DGTX.
This will be the distribution of the first generated tokens, during the wait of 2 years of new tokens have different assumptions and is that wait until the beginning of 2021 for a new emission of tokens seems a challenge.
When it lasts so long without generating new tokens this will present a high demand by users who need more tokens to continue with their operations free of commissions, this will possibly cause a rise in the price of the DGTX token, since of the 1,000M of only 700M tokens are available to be purchased and sold.
For a better explanation here is a table that shows the possible projections of the price of the token:
If these assumptions are correct then it would be known how many new tokens should be generated to cover the demand of the next months until January 2021, which would be the following:
Digitex has or is prepared for two options, in the worst case if only 1,000 new users are registered in the period of two years, which would cause a stagnation of the price in $ 0.02 and in the best case if they register at least about 50,000 new users the price of the token would be $ 0.43, which would supply to cover operational costs, in addition to this rising price Digitex would ensure another 12 months of operating costs.
DGTX Peg System
The DGTX peg is basically a futures contract on the price of DGTX, which offers the possibility to any user who has tokens to set a sale price at the current market price, this with the purpose of avoiding loss on their assets, so in case there is a decrease in value on your assets, having set a futures price would save you having losses as they will have established a price.
This can be positive as negative for the user, positive since if there was a low price of their assets or goods, the user could avoid the losses because they already established a price, but negative since if the price of the assets or If you increase your value, you will not be able to sell it at the market price, but at the price you set, you will not get lost but you may not get all the profits you want, but it is the best method to keep the assets or assets protected in the best way.
Trustless futures trading

Digitex offers to replace all the balances of centralized accounts with intelligent independent and decentralized contracts, all this in the chain of blocks of Ethereum, thus in this way the users would use Digitex Futures Exchange without trusting the exchange of money, this would help to solve many problems which are related to decentralized exchanges.
And there are many challenges that these decentralized exchanges can face today, since this technology is extremely versatile, but there are challenges when it comes to making a decentralized exchange of futures.
Some of these problems range from the lack of privacy in the chain, which causes an execution of large orders, in addition chain transactions are expensive in most cases, and as if the reliability and scalability of the transactions in the chains have not been resolved at all.
That is why centralized servers have greater advantages over accounting books, executing matching engines in centralized servers has more advantages instead of blockchain.

Some benefits of this would be that the central servers are much faster and are more reliable than others, also these servers have total privacy, thus avoiding the execution of large orders, and if that were not enough, these central servers help realize trades in real time.
Digitex is responsible for combining both centralized and decentralized components, thus offering the security without trust of decentralized intelligent contracts.
Digitex Futures Exchange is in charge of interacting with intelligent contracts, thus achieving the possibility of updating the available balance to reflect the liabilities for outstanding margins of the operator.
Decentralized account balances
Digitex can not in any way seize the funds of the merchants for any reason, unlike other institutions that take some percentage of their users' funds without any explanation, and that is that Digitex can do this without any consequence since the exchange does not have access to merchants' funds.
This is advantageous because, in addition, Digitex can not mismanage the merchants' funds, since not having control over these funds can not be used for other profit purposes, thanks to the fact that they do not have control or access to the private keys of the tokens DGTX.
Another point in favor, is that by not having any private key, they can not manage user funds and also the users are not objects of piracy, and if for some reason there is a breach of security in the exchange, there will be no funds to be stolen because Digitex does not have such a fund.

Digitex oracle updates smart contract account balance
The centralized exchanges work as a kind of oracle for smart contracts, but for those who are in charge of maintaining the balance of merchants' accounts, to explain it in a better way we could say that when a user wants to withdraw their cards from DGTX, first an intelligent contract must request in the market an update of the gains and losses that the user possesses.
All this so that the smart contract can update the available balance to withdraw, these contracts are in the chain, so it is necessary that the updates are only sent to the smart contract when the user wishes to withdraw their chips so that in this way they minimize the costs.
Digitex is responsible for avoiding piracy attacks by reinforcing its security with the complement of Metamask browser, it is what users of Digitex Futures Exchange must have in order to guarantee that only the user has the ability to withdraw the balance from his account, all this is done through the use of the secure Metamask identity vault, which is responsible for verifying that it is the same person who made the deposit requesting the withdrawal.
The exchange of future Digitex
Digitex Futures Exchange is an ecosystem where purchases and sales are made without trust of futures contracts, all this without commission, which attracts more users to its ecosystem, it is also an exchange that does not have client funds, which combines the untrusted security of decentralized balances and the reliability of a centralized order book.
The main characteristics and benefits that we can find in Digitex Futures Exchange are the following:
Zero trading fees, with Digitex Futures Exchange there is no need to pay commissions when you are making some type of futures contract and it is possible to send orders of Makers or Taker and not have to pay any commissions, all this is possible through the issuance of DGTX tokens, since the more active the exchanges, makes it a sustainable method indefinitely.
Decentralized account balances, in this ecosystem it is not necessary to trust Digitex as protections of the sado of the accounts of the users, since the balance of the users is maintained through decentralized and independent intelligent contracts in the chain of blocks of Ethereum, that it is impossible for Digitex to have access to users' money and to avoid mismanagement or loss of funds.
Highly liquid futures markets, the best way to obtain markets that are highly liquid is by eliminating the restrictions of tariffs, which generates a mass participation of merchants in large volume stores due to commissions, in addition this makes the Liquidity is more empowered with the presence of automated market makers.
Automated market makers, a great way to increase liquidity is giving users the confidence to always be able to enter and exit positions, all this is to a large extent possible with the highly active trading strategy, and is that the creators of Digitex market are bots that are automated with algorithms pogramados to reach the break-even point.
Digitex native currency, the native currency that Digitex has is the DGTX token, in the Digitex ecosystem all the profits and commercial losses are in the DGTX tokens that in the futures market is 1 DGTX token, in Digitex it is necessary that all users have this token since it is the option in which deposits, withdrawals and all transactions are made.
Token issuance revenue model, Digitex does not need to charge fees, which in many occasions increases users, to obtain their income, because with the issuance of tokens of their original currency, they can generate the necessary income to cover the costs, all this because the operations request the DGTX token.
Futures of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin, the Digitex ecosystem has three futures markets such as BTC / USD, ETH / USD and LTC / USD. Each of the futures contracts has a large tick size, and all gains and losses are settled in DGTX tokens.
One-Click ladder trading interface, Digitex offers an intuitive ladder interface that offers users the opportunity to send purchase and sale orders instantly with a single click.
Large sizes of ticks, click contracts are the minimum price increase that a futures contract may have, this is a very important feature for Digitex and is that they have a large size of tick.
High leverage, in the ecosystem of Digitex users can obtain large percentage gains and also lost, depending on the future contract they have established, all this is based on the movement of small prices. A big difference of Digitex with other institutions is that they do not cancel the winning operation with the intention of protecting themselves from losses, in case the counterparty stops due to having a high leverage.
Without automatic deleveraging, as I touched in the previous point, Digitex will not close its winning position with the intention of protecting itself from losses, all this when the losing operation of its counterparty is interrupted.
Sub-millisecond order matching, Digitex is related to the Erlang / OTP stack, which is the same programming language as WhatsApp, this language was chosen due to the great capabilities it has to update in real time and also the ability to manage peaks in activity with extremely low latency, the Digitex ordering engine matches operations in milliseconds.
Off-Chain Price Discovery, On-Chain Settlement, chain agreement, Digitex combines the best of two worlds, such as the speed and reliability of a centralized comparison engine, and possesses the security without confidence of the decentralized balances, all this in the chain of blocks.
Government decentralized by Blockchain, in the ecosystem of Digitex the users are in charge of issuing new tokens, all this in a democratic way, all this through the decentralized governance of blockchain, but all this process is thanks to the owners of DGTX tokens that are in charge of deciding together when and how many new tokens will be necessary to issue to cover the costs of futures exchange operations.
Complete privacy, in Digitex it is not necessary that users have to send their name or any other data or document to start operations, since exchanges only accept DGTX tokens is not necessary to any other personal data, since this data only they put users at risk, and they can steal their identities.
Blockchain Driven, all this is possible through the promotion of the Blockchain technology, which opens the doors for a better use of data storage, to eliminate commission fees and allows users to determine the number of tokens to be issued.
Automated Market Makers
Users and investors always seek to trade in markets that are liquid with tight margins, the Digitex market makers are automated trading bots. Digitex has a commercial strategy and has a commercial bank of 200M of DGTX tokens which represents 20% of the total supply, this way it is guaranteed that the tokens are used actively for trade, this helps to create futures markets that are more liquid from the first day.
In addition, a large number of operators will generate an increase in the demand for DGTX tokens which will result in an increase in prices and generate early profits selling the DGTX tokens, therefore those created in the Digitex markets are a highly efficient commercial outlet, where most of the protocol tokens will be in active use.
An example of futures contract trading would be:
Here we can see in the table how are the commissions in other pages, as in the case of CryptoFacilites.com that was $ 171.36 commission, a rather high price but not as much as GDAX.com with a commission of $ 535.50, which It seems like an exaggeration.
In Digitex there are no commissions to pay so the user's profit was $ 200 after paying the commission which is $ 0, with CryptoFacilities.com the profit of $ 200 was actually $ 28.64 after paying commissions and with GDAX.com the $ 200 profit was actually a loss of $ 335.50 after paying commissions.
Decentralized Governance by Blockchain (DGBB)
The engine behind Digitex for good performance is the blockchain technology, which allows the exchange to eliminate commissions fees since they have their own cryptocurrency, Digitex also uses blockchain to govern the issuance of new tokens efficiently and democratically through voting rules encoded in smart contracts.
Voting in the new issue of tokens
In digitex there is a quite remarkable democracy, and it is that the users are the ones in charge with their proposals of what will be the amount of new DGTX tokens to emit, to cover the operative costs. Digitex will be able to avoid an inflation in the costs of the new tokens, by means of the demand of new tokens, and is that managing correctly the tokens could create a constant and growing demand of DGTX tokens.
Cases of use - Digitex
Case 1

Alex is a farmer, he owns egg-laying hens, he distributes it to many companies and he has had enough time in these markets, he has experienced price increases as well as falls, he has lived the best of both worlds, profits and losses.
In more than one occasion Alex has used a futures contract to guarantee his product and avoid having losses, since it is usually a very volatile market. But something negative about these futures contracts is that many institutions remove a high commission percentage, so in more than one occasion they have lost only in commission, due to the high costs.
It is approaching a large production of eggs from the hens and lately the market has been very volatile, so Alex wants to guarantee his profits by making and guiding a futures contract, but this time he wants a platform that does not take away so much interest, a page that lacks commissions if necessary, although Alex doubts that this is possible.
But after arduous hours of search Alex got Digitex, which does not remove commissions, but it is only necessary to own tokens originating from this platform called DGTX to perform any operation.
This is how Alex pays a price on his assets in a period of 3 months, Alex only had to obtain the DGTX tokens and everything else was easy, it was a simple transaction free of commissions and was able to protect his assets to avoid losses.
Case 2

Jhon is an investor, buyer and seller of cryptocurrencies, is passionate in this world and is constantly obtaining and selling cryptocurrencies, and lately he has been obtaining a new crypto and he feels that in the future he will have a better price and he will have profits but At the same time, he wants to be sure of not having losses and he does not want this crypto to be devalued in this volatile market.
He has heard about futures contracts but also knows that these contracts tend to take a large commission for transactions, which in many cases are excessively high amounts, so this reason has always led him to move away from futures contracts.
But Jhon knows about this new platform called Digitex and how it does not remove commissions when transactions are carried out, but only its original currency called DGTX is necessary, with this token all transactions can be made without any type of commission.
In this way Jhon makes a futures contract at a favorable price on his cryptocurrencies, being positive and also being sure that he will not have losses in case the market value goes down, this is how Digitex has left another satisfied Customer.
This publication of which I have spoken is to let you know this platform called Digitex that has its own cryptocurrency and that also is responsible for eliminating commissions in the world of futures contracts, something that was a while ago was asking and thought that it was impossible, but Digitex comes to show that if it is possible to obtain income for a good maintenance without the need of exaggerated commissions.
All this is thanks to its DGTX token with which it is possible to make any type of transaction without a fee to pay any, in addition it has great security on the balances that users possess and a decentralized blockchain government and has a total democracy where users are responsible for deciding the number of tokens to be issued.
In addition to avoiding an inflation in the price since to last two years without an emission of new tokens they generated a great demand to continue with the transactions without tariffs.
Undoubtedly, Digitex has everything necessary to revolutionize the system of futures contracts, thus finally eliminating the fees for transactions, and that is that this must be a free trade market without any commission.
Time Line 2018 - Digitex
Team Digitex

For more information watch this video
Watch the Digitex Futures Exchange in action
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More information and resources
- Digitex Website
- Digitex WhitePaper
- Digitex Blog
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- Digitex Twitter
- Digitex YouTube
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