Why are there no more neanderthals?

in #origins7 years ago

Although we may still think some of our relatives, or others we come in contact with, are positively Neanderthal in their behavior.

It is certain that there are no more true Neanderthals left.

True a percentage of our genome comes from neanderthals, but this is all that remains of them other than their tools, bones and other artifacts.

img source

There has been a lot of debate over the years as to why they died out about 40 000 years ago while living in close enough proximity to modern humans to pass genes to our gene pool.

The debate has often been, what made us superior enough to survive and when they could not.

There is a new contender that seems to be one answer, and its just one little gene.

This gene found in modern humans allows the voice-box to descend into the throat as we grow older.

That is why children's voices change as they grow (not to be confused with the voice breaking in male adolescents)

This creates a larger space for sound to resonate and gives us a much larger vocal range.

The drawback is that it is easier for us to have food go down the wrong way and choke.

Having a larger vocal range allows for more complex language. Areas of the brain that are necessary and stimulate by a more complex range are thought to have developed the capacity for symbolism, music, art etc. that neanderthals lacked.

Whether it was this ability for symbolism and more complex thought or simply the ability to communicate better, it seems that a descended voice box was key to our surviving when neanderthals could not.

For a more detailed indepth look at this check out the following 15 minute video.


You know they are from Germany? Neanderthal near lovely Düsseldorf the capital of the Fashion industry in Germany. A city with crap beer but nice ladies too 🦁

I enjoyed the part where they talk about humans having the ability to articulate speech.
Thanks @gavvet for an informing post!

Oh? I thought they were in the Altmuehltal?

who? Beer, ladies, the humans?

https://www.naturpark-altmuehltal.de/poi/tropfsteinhoehle_schulerloch-1608/ dort sind die Neandertaler schon ausgestorben, aber in Düsseldorf gibt es sie noch... They drink all the beer, then eat the ladies and still want to be called humans.

lol, danke dafür!!

Are you Sure...?


no they were smarter and I bet could even speak better. This guy is more likely related to the missing link

It seems like I meet them every day! Great post ☆☆☆☆☆😎

Yup, I know a few...


Interesting post @gavvet such a similarity in vocal. Can we just imagine if they were able to talk just like modern humans. Wow.

We interbred with them. They are not gone, they are assimilated into us. Sure some died, people always die. But their families, culture and genetics are us. We are them.

I once asked a roomful of college students how may of them knew that the Europeans drove the native tribespeople out of Kentucky. The whole class raised their hands. Then I asked them how many of them were part Indian. Almost everyone raised their hands.

We are them.

I heard a theory that they didn't really die out, or were wiped out, but that the reason for them being no more is because they mated with (modern) humans and that's where our neanderthal gene percentage comes from.

If scientists have determined the Neanderthal genome, we will be able to create a neanderthal person. A human embryo is probably close enough genetically to provide the vehicle. We just need to synthesize the DNA, remove the Homo sapiens DNA and replace it with Neanderthal DNA, let nature take its course and, voila, a Neanderthal.

Of course, there are ethical considerations, but we could we could perform the operation in China and finance it with a crowdfunded ICO. We'll call it NeanderCoin;)

don't want upgrade the species now do we.

I think that neanderthals were ultimately defeated by their own strength. It's likely that their superior physical prowess facilitated a slower rate of tool development, which allowed weaker but more intelligent competition to overcome them.

It was probably many contributing factors, a complex interwoven mesh as opposed to one simple thing.

True. I still find it likely that predation was a tipping point.

I found out a the main different between neanderthals and human is Huamn is more handsome than neanderthals! LoL

Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis are/were actually both humans as both belong to the genus Homo ...

all in the eye of the beholder.

The more things change the more they stay the same

Oh, how true...

The story is told of a child who watched a sculptur take a large block of granet & over many weeks produced the statue of a man. Overcome with awe, the child asks the sculptor:"How did you know that the man was in the rock?" The sculptor"knew" that the man was in the rock in the same way that the Neanderthals "knew" that the tools were in the stones. Both works are the product of a mind with concepual ability. I think we need to rethink our attitude toward the Neanderthals. I still think they are our human ancestors.

Interesting video. miss a few key elements though one stands out is homo sapiens were very violent in nature. The other is Neanderthals did berry their dead. And gave us religion or rather a belief in the after life. I speculate they blended together but for the most part were exterminated by homo sapiens.

Well man good point, it was really interesting (anyway i will follow back everyone who follows me)

Very interesting @gavvet, nice post
.. I remember history about humman

This is a profoundly interesting discussion that I am sure will give rise to differences of views and opinions. Thanks for the detailed and informative post! I always appreciate your high quality content that you bring to this platform. Have a great day, @gavvet

You have my upvote! :)

Good posts and useful information 👍


I think there are still quite a lot left here in this country, some of them still use rocks as weapons....

Great post! Extremely informative and interesting, this has always been a question I've had but never took the time to learn so it's neat to see it delved into :)

A very interesting post! :) Upvoted :) Have a wonderful day! :)

Very interesting post, thanks for sharing. 100% upvoted from @chanthasm

I can argue different...I've seen some people out there that looks almost exactly like neanderthals...lol..thanks for the post

I don't understand this post, I see them every day! lol

I don't know if it's only inside my head but I see neanderthals all the time, they are everywhere. Jokes aside I think we carry pieces of neanderthal DNA. Why are they extinct? Maybe we killed them all , destruction and self-destruction it's in our DNA as well.

Another part of it is this: neanderthal fossils have only been found in valleys or flat areas, whereas homo sapiens has also been found on hills and mountains. We had a larger "niche" than the neanderthal, giving us an evolutionary bonus.

Thats an interesting point. Just seems like Homo Sapiens would be more adapt to different terrain and have larger hunting grounds. Maybe what ever killed the dinosaurs caused other herds to move into areas unfamiliar to Neanderthals.

Recent evidence demonstrates that 25% have neanderthal DNA. At some point we did breed with them but it seems that we killed them off.

I think it's mostly people of European ancestry that have neanderthal DNA, usually around 2-3%. of their genome. I am Northern European, and I have 3% neanderthal DNA per genome testing. I know it's why some Europeans have red hair is from neanderthal genetics.

Because they were Vegans :A

Ride public transit some time, you'll see plenty of 'em.

Cool post dude!

Very interesting post, some people are closer to Neanderthals than others LOL


Your comparison reminds me a bit of bitcoin vs. Steem ;)

Steem on @gavvet!

A dwarf is living near me, in the same complex. He is short muscular and have huge eyebrows. DEscendent from the neanderthals? I respect them too much to think further.
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Interesting post I learned a lot that I was not aware of, thank you..

Thanks but I am seeing Neanderthals everyday at work :)

Thanks for a details reference video. upvote and follow


It's so interesting.

I think this article something hard to me..

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Interesting idea. I wonder how it could be proved. My guess is that if we tested the genes of many of the elite we would find the highest concentration of neanderthals.

The height part of evolution didn't work on me. I'm still short :P

I just met a Neanderthal the other day. It did not understand that I need faster internet...